Chapter 15

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Your heart dropped. What did that mean?

Your mother just burst into tears in front of you. She collapsed on your arms. You hugged her back. What was happening.

"What do you mean he's not here anymore?"

Taehyung came up to you and looked to the ground.

"He's gone"

He looked up to you. His tears haven't fallen yet. But yours have.

"What? How? How come I didn't know?"

You fell to the floor. Your legs felt numb. Your whole body felt numb. What was happening. Your head was denying everything.

"No one did. It just... happened"

You yelled. Tears just spilled out of your eyes like a tap. What do you mean he's dead? He can't be!

Seeing you like this taehyung began to cry with you. He clenched his fist and hugged you.

After a few minutes of crying everyone gathered around the table.

"He's been sick for a while actually" she began.

"But we didn't tell you two because we didn't want you to worry. Especially with your college and stuff"

You instantly felt guilty. This was all your fault. Because you spent too much time studying, you didn't even get to say goodbye to your own father.

Tears fell from your eyes again.

"It's not your fault (y/n)-ah! It was ours. We should've told you. But we were certain he was going to get better. It wasn't even that bad..."

She paused and held back her tears before starting again.

"You don't have to tell us now"

"No no you two deserve to know"

You and your mom was falling apart, taehyung was the only one keeping together. Maybe it was because of the sense of duty he felt.

"He got diagnosed with heart cancer. We got him treated. He was going well! And we got him treated while it only started. He had a high chance of living!"

Your mother kept raising her voice. Taehyung rubbed her back. She breathed out and calmed down.

"But the day before yesterday when we were on our way from a check up he collapsed. He had a heart attack. They rushed him in but it was already too late..."

You closed your eyes. How was this happening? Was he really gone?

"He died abruptly.... please do not blame yourselves! I'm sure your father would want you to continue with your lives normally"

She continued crying. Taehyung pulled her into an embrace. While you had stopped. Your throat was too sore to keep crying. Your eyes were so puffy you couldn't even see out of them anymore. Your hands were shaking. You tried to deny what was happening, that it was all a nightmare.

Taehyung looked at you with worried eyes. He saw you staring at your shaking hands.

"Noona are you okay?"

His voice cracked but he tried to sound okay. You looked up.


You couldn't finish the sentence. You couldn't move. Nothing would work. Taehyung took your mother upstairs where she could rest. He held your hand and looked at you in the eyes.

"I know this is hard but right now we need to support eomma. She's having it rough"

You nod your head understanding what he was saying. You carefully walked up to your old room, with taehyung supporting your arm. When you opened it you burst into tears again. All the memories flooded back.

It hurt. Your heart hurt. Your throat hurt. Your eyes hurt. It hurt to be alive. He helped you sit on your bed. It still squeaked.

"They kept everything huh?"

He weakly chuckles at you, understand how you felt. You nodded at him looking around. He left you alone and you went to wash up. While you were in the shower you cried more. When you came out your eyes still looked the same. You couldn't stop the tears. Everything you looked at reminded you of him.

You walked out and saw Taehyung on the couch.

"Eomma's asleep"

"Wanna get out of here?"

"Huh why?"

"Everything reminds me..."

Tears were going to fall again but you gulped and held them back making your throat hurt even more.

He just grabbed your hand and took you outside. You two walked wherever your feet would take you. Eventually you ended up at a park. The park.

You smiled at the sight of it. The memories. You sighed to yourself. You still couldn't believe this was happening.

You sat on the swing and taehyung followed you. You swung around for a while before you heard taehyung speak.

"I can't believe he's..."

You nod. You couldn't speak though. It hurt too much. You hear some hiccups and you look to your side. He was crying. It looked like he snapped. His tears would stop. It hurt so much seeing him like this.

Got off the swing and leaped to him. You hugged him so tight you thought you were going to squeeze him to death. But he didn't mind. He just hugged you back and kept crying. You rubbed his back.

"It's okay just let it out"

"I didn't even get to say goodbye"

You cried hearing his words. That's all you thought about when you heard about the news. When he finished you collapsed to the ground. You were so tired. You couldn't breathe anymore. You couldn't see out of your puffy eyes. Your face felt so swollen that it hurt to move it.

Taehyung laid down next to you. You two just silently laid next to each other for the next few minutes.

You heard your phone buzz. For some reason you were hoping it was you father. But it was Yoongi.

Yoongi -Did you get there safely?-

Your heart was touched but it wasn't enough to make you smile right now.

Me -Yea I can't talk right now-

You turned your phone off.

You two slowly walked back to your once happy home.

Sorry for the depressing chapter. Too much tears! Sorry for no Yoongi too. Just bear with the sadness for one more chapter!

Thanks for reading xx

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