Chapter 5

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You smiled at the note. The day just kept getting better and better for you. As you both walked inside you grabbed a pen and quickly wrote on it. You grabbed his jacket, folded it nicely and put the note in the pocket. You left in on the porch. You decided not to tell Anji. What's the point right?

"So what do you wanna do now? And don't you dare say go back to our rooms" She glared at you and you chuckled.

"Haha I won't I won't. Hmm how about we go for a walk and never come back?"


She grabbed your arm and headed out once again. You guys stopped by a warehouse shop to pick up equipment for your 'time machine'. You guys decided that you were going to make a cardboard door, walk in it and forget everything about your boring pasts.

You two were doing stupid things in there. Riding the trolley, picking up ridiculous things and fighting swords with them, running around screaming, things like that. You wondered why you guys weren't kicked out. Occasionally you two would stop to take a breather because you two were moving around so much. Let's just say you guys were VERY unfit.

After you two finished shopping you guys took the things to a restaurant. And yes everyone was staring at you two, carrying big ass cardboard pieces. You two had a wonderful dinner.

Then you took a stroll to walk off the food. You were going to go shopping but you two were too lazy to carry around the boxes any longer so you decided just to go home.

You smiled widely as you got to the door and saw the package you left was gone.

Then your phone began to buzz. You opened it. You clutched your heart.

"What who is it?"

"My saviour"

You made an exaggerated maiden in distress pose. She looked at you surprised. She kept standing there waiting for you to tell her who he was. But you didn't say anything.

"Cmon details?"

"Hmmm nah"

You opened the door and ran inside to your room. You tried to close your door but she got there to stop it. You squealed as she pushed open the door. She tackled you onto your bed. She fell on top of you and you two we're laughing like maniacs.

"Sleep over"


She stayed in your room the whole night and, well talked about girl things.

The next morning you woke up early af and started to get ready.

"Wow excited aren't we?"

"Oh shut up"

You looked over to your phone and read the messages again for the 100th time.

Yoongi -Hi-
Me -Waaahh how did you get my phone number-
Yoongi -How did you know it was me-
Yoongi -Check mate?-
Me -Oh shut up-
Yoongi -What are you doing tomorrow?-
Me -Something-
Yoongi -Okay come do something with me tomorrow-
Me -What do you mean?-
Yoongi -Exactly what your thinking-
Me - '///' -
Yoongi -Cafe block from your house 7am?-
Me -Alright-

You guys spoke to each other as if you two have known each other for ages. You were a lot more sassier on text than the last time you met him so he might've been shocked. But as you could see he was sassy as well.

You walked to the cafe while nervously playing with what your wearing (just make your own outfit lol). Anji had styled you and you trust her 100%. As you got nearer you saw Yoongi by the window sitting by himself on his phone.

You walked in and sat on his table. He looked up from his phone surprised. He observed you for a second before you said

"Sorry did you wait long?" you got startled when he replied with a 'yes'

"I'm kidding I'm kidding"

He laughed seeing how concerned you became after he said that. You too observed him. As usual he was drop dead gorgeous (can you even use that on guys?). He hair... his clothes... his face, just him in general. You mentally squealed inside.

The whole date was full of chemistry and not a single second was awkward. You both got to know each other and realised you guys were kind of each other's halfs. If one like this but didn't like this the other would like that (does that make sense?). Most of your qualities also matched, especially the laziness.

He liked to write or compose music. You loved listening to it. He rapped, you loved hip hop. And best of all he was photogenic and you loved taking pictures. Well you hadn't taken a photo of him yet but you already knew he was photogenic.

The date was going great. You guys didn't even notice that you two were in there for a really long time already. It was already noon.

"Do you wanna get out of here? We've been here since morning"


You screamed internally that he said yes. That meant your date could keep going. Maybe even until night.......

He grabbed your hand... HAND and led you out the cafe. You guys were holding hands walking to wherever your feet would take you. His hands were so big (insert a Lenny face) and warm. You wanted to hold it forever.

You both walked side by side holding hands and talking about the randomest things. Giving your opinion about everything and anything. You realised if things kept going at this rate you would know almost everything about him by the end of today.

Suddenly you realised the street you were walking in was familiar. Then you two stopped in front of a house, his house to be exact. You were surprised how you even remembered the street.

This is when it got awkward. You didn't know wether this was supposed to be a goodbye or what. You've never heard about the boy going to his house first after a date but Yoongi was different so you weren't so sure. You got more and more pressured as you got closer and closer to his door.

As he stepped up to his porch he let go of your hand and faced you. You felt like dying. Do I go in? Say goodbye? OTTOKEE?! He turned around and opened his door. Ahh he wants me to leave okay..

"Well see you around thanks for today Yoongi" you waved him good bye before walking off.

"Where are you going?"

I promised that this chapter was all Yoongi but the start was still about Anji. I'm sorry but I can't stop talking about her. Anyways how was your date lol. I didn't really go into detail but you can imagine it right. Being in a cafe with him, just talking about everything and anything then heading out holding hands just talking to each other on the streets. Plus he asked you out on a breakfast date which proves a lot about what he thinks about you I guess. Dinner dates are over rated >~<

Oh and I took the fluff tag off. Because I feel I won't be able to live up to it. And people get scared away from the first chapter soo.

Anyways I hope ya enjoyed this chapter see ya xx

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