Journal Start

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April 2014

    I don't know why I thought journaling my days was ever a good idea. I rarely put anything in here, mainly because I can't remember. It's been ages since I wrote something down. But what is the journal of a fourteen-year-old supposed to have? Love life? Ew. My day in and day out activities? Boring. Simply put, I'm a gamer. I guess I have to close these with some sort of signature? Who knows and I'm too lazy to care. This is some school assignment that no one wants to do. It's pointless and for what? A bonus A in history class? I do so well on those tests that this is more likely to hurt my grade.

    ~Emil Merclain

August 2017

    Look at what I found... I told the teacher I lost this damn thing. I really did but look at this, it survived the move. Memories... oh, how I hated this assignment. Hell, I hated just about everything back then. Three years later and I've gone from emo edge lord pre-teen to godly young adult gamer. Well, not godly but I'm pretty damn close to it. I'm a gamer, have been and always will be. I suffered all this real-world crap only to find a better life in a fake world. Fantasy gaming does things to you, makes you wish that in there, in those games, was the real world. In there is every inconceivable dream I could ever want. A fantasy world where I could live easy and without fear of death, bills, timestamps, anything else that the real world has. Perhaps it's not too late to start creating my own paradise...

    ~Emil Merclain

July 13, 2042

It's finally here! I got my very own copy of Ember Wind: Online. I paid my year's worth of allowance to get it. $190 dollars for the pre-order and I waited six months for the download link to go live. It's currently installing as I write this. The full dive system I have is maxed out. I got only the best rig for this game, spending the past year to raise all my money. I bought this dive gaming system called the General Terminal X. It's absolutely insane and I love it!

My dad told me about his days in VR when the Oculus Rift came out. It was so long ago that I don't think I could handle the graphics. It's so bad in comparison to the GTX. He calls me and those of my generation, privileged, lucky and pampered. I think he's just jealous that my rig is top of the line 5k UHD, 5120X2880. He still lives in the world of 1080p as if that was still considered high quality. He's like a grandpa. He doesn't understand modern technology.

On another note, word on the internet mentions a special event later tonight but no one knows what's planned. It's supposedly held by the Game Masters themselves. They must be eager to see their fans playing to host an event right off the launch.

I'm getting excited by the sheer thought of it. I can feel my heart racing. But the game is still far from finished.73% downloaded. It's been an hour and it only downloaded a terabyte. Must be a bad day for the internet.

~Christopher Merclain

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