Game Launch

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Following a blinding flash of light, a much darker environment engulfed the user's vision. Pure darkness in all every direction. Then came a series of text. They ran across the vast span of darkness that was in front of the user's eyes.

Welcome to Eonus. The realm in which the continent Akora resides in. A plight has befallen this great continent when some hundred years ago, a nightmare from the depths of Ember Pinnacle emerged to sow his seeds of wrath on this unsuspecting land. His name was Boudal. Boudal was the son of Odis, the King of the gods. When Boudal was created, Odis gave him the ability to control the spread of disease. But when he told Boudal that he was to be the god of disease, Boudal became furious and attacked Odis. Odis cast him out and buried him beneath the Ember Mountains.

Boudal emerged to seek revenge but rather than going after Odis himself, he directed his anger at Syna's creation: Humanity. Syna was the favored daughter of Odis, thus making her a perfect target. Boudal sent plague after plague down the mountainside and onto the mainland. From there, Boudal gained power and sought the help of many lesser deities. Nearly all of them agreed to aid him in his revenge plan. Together they began to conquer Akora. Their empire expanded quickly from the far western reaches, engulfing and damaging everything in their path. Odis grew angry at Boudal and the other lesser gods but gods are immortal and can not be killed, not even by each other. However, gods can become powerless and fall into mortality. Once made mortal through the loss of power, former gods become vulnerable to death and can be permanently killed.

One last human region remained and Syna thought Life, and herself, were doomed. Odis rounded up the other gods and unified their powers to create earthen walls that split Boudal's empire into dozens of smaller regions which ensured not only the survival but the potential expansion of human life.

You, along with others are the last remnants of the human civilization. We know Boudal to be the enemy and his fate is certain, but yours is not. I can only hope that you'll fight with us and retake this planet...

Then the game music kicked in. It sang its famous tune that had been all over YouTube for the past year. As it played, the text faded into the darkness only to be replaced by a new set. This new set, however, was just the company's logo. That too quickly faded back into the black.

Following another flash of bright white light, the user found themselves in front of a mirror surrounded by a world of vine-covered, crumbling stone structures and lush greenery. The world appeared untouched despite what the opening text said. The user shrugged it off and brought their attention back to the mirror. They found themselves standing in the mirror with some default appearance that coincidentally physically matched their real-life self. They couldn't change their height, their various limb sizes; only the colors and facial features could be adjusted. Additionally, there was a collection of races to choose from but even that selection was limited to the common races like elves and humans. The elves consisted of the common High, Wood and Dark variants. The human side was either Nordic or Desert. They made themselves: a male Nordic ginger. They became he and he moved on to the next step: classes.

The class system was divided into two: Fighters and Mages

He chose fighters. That triggered the next prompt which contained a small collection of 4 classes: Juggernaut, Archer, Knight, and Assassin.

Juggernaut: the class of the beast. Known for their intense strength and resolve, they're invaluable to any battle group. They are big meat bags designed to soak up the damage while the rest fight on. They rely on heavy armor, shields and one-handed weapons. Their primary attributes are health, heavy armor and one hand and shield.

Knights are capable of being a temporary replacement of a juggernaut as they specialize in heavy armor but their weaponry specialty is in two-handed. They swing hard with large weapons to deal heavy damage during a combat scenario. Their primary attributes are Stamina, Heavy armor, Two-Handed.

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