All Hallows Eve

150 8 0

October 31, 2042

Back in the city of Uskor, Rothguard prepared the great hall in the castle for the celebration. Today was Halloween and for us, the small group not the guild, this was a good day. Yesterday we challenged the green skin army and won with few deaths. I think the death count was around ten or so. Most of those were during the goblin and ogre mobs at the beginning. Myself and the others spent the remainder of that day writing down the names of the fallen in another book. This second book's sole purpose was to record the dead so that they wouldn't be forgotten.

With today being the great day of Halloween, Dailin decided to plan a fun event. This event of hers was to take place at night. Back in the real world, we knew it as manhunt or hide and seek in the dark. Dailin and I planned the whole event or rather series of events. Starting with Rothguard's feast an hour before sunset, the night would follow with a few hours of manhunt, then tales of horror around multiple campfires and to finalize the night: s'mores.

It sounds fun. I just wish it wasn't so damn cold. I get that we're up near the Siberian mountains of Russia but come on. The other night, temperatures got so cold that the freeze-to-death warning lit up on the Heads Up Display. I seriously worry about the weather in the upcoming zones. I know we'll be forced into the mountains, I just know it.

Fortunately for us, Dailin told me that we'll be in the southernmost area. The infamous fields of horror lie in the south and I presume that's what Dailin plans to use. Not that I'm complaining, I'll take a nightmarish field to freezing to death.

Dailin also told me that we could hold a costume party in the great hall between dinner and the manhunt. Rothguard gave his approval for it and I agreed so hopefully, she can get the word out fast enough. I'm sure the crafters are busy as well trying to rush the production of Halloween costumes. This game doesn't have a "buy-with-real-money" store and because of that, there aren't any costumes of polymorphs for people to use.

The benefit to this game is the ability to use regular items as clothing. I mean putting pumpkins on heads, having brooms as a slotted weapon or a bucket helmet. I look out the window of my room at the inn and in the streets, people are wearing all of that and more. I see people putting on ragtag outfits to make themselves look goblin-ish or primal. I see the creativity of Halloween and I think this year, despite our predicament, will be the best Halloween for us all. I honestly believe that.

To the people in the real world who read this, I wish you could've seen just how pretty it was. The game follows the northern hemisphere's seasons and with the cold mountains to the north, we got the cold-snap that made all the leaves even more vibrant than ever imagined, either that or someone is really good at autumnal coloring.

I think I'm starting to like it here. Everything feels... I don't know, just more... Home. I kind of almost want to stay. It's not a feeling that I can so easily explain but think of it as ultimate tranquility. The hikes through nature here, are just like in the real world, only without flies or mosquitoes. I love the scenery, the environment is life-like, addictive even. When it rains in the southern area, I've tried running down there just to hike in the rain.

Hopefully, it doesn't rain during the event, that'd suck. It's starting to get late in the afternoon and I can feel the hunger setting in. Rothguard's feast is soon and I can't wait to see what he's got cooked up. I hope that everything isn't pumpkin spiced because that's nasty. I don't know, what does he have cooking in that castle of his? I can see the smoke from the kitchen bellowing out so he's got something large in there.

Tangurple leaned back in his chair and took a deep sniff. No odor to be smelt. The room lacked an odor. He sighed heavily and looked towards the door. He picked up the journal again and opened up the keyboard and resumed his typing.

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