Batting an Eye

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The next day came and with the rise of the morning sun, the thick fog of the previous night evaporated away. Spread across the southern lands like trees in a barren landscape, four figures laid around, slowly waking to the coming day. Tangurple was leaned up against a large oak tree, half asleep due the sun being directly in his eyes. He was too tired to move but unable to fall back asleep in his current position. With what little energy he knowingly possessed, he learned to a side and fell over. In doing so, he landed on top of Dailin and jolted her awake. In her mad scramble to alertness, she had thrown Tangurple several feet over and fully awaken him. He sat up and looked around, catching eye of Dailin who was panting and breathing adrenaline.

Tangurple tried rubbing his back, groaning as he tried. "Ow. why'd you do that?"

Dailin stood up straight and looked at him. "Something fell on me and woke me up. Apparently, you fell on me." She said as she walked over and pulled him to his feet. "How are you feeling?"

"Well rested actually." He said, leaning over to pick up the scythe. He looked back at Dailin who was oddly smiling. "Why are you smiling?"

"Your leg, it's healed," She said cheerfully.

Tangurple looked down and peered between the split in the plate armor. There was no wound. His leg had completely repaired itself showing no sign of any damage that had been afflicted upon it last night. "This is great, no pain. None at all." He looked around. "We can go after the goblin camp, just gotta find the others."

"We don't even know where they could be."

"We know where they are not and it's this forest. According to the maps the King gave us, there should be a lake down to the south, we can check there first."

Dailin placed her hands on her hips and eyed him. "I should make you my personal cartographer"

"You could. Boy Scouts taught me a lot of things about maps." He held the map in his hands and aligned it with the sun. he glanced around and nodded. This way to the lake." he said, taking off towards the south.

Dailin trailed behind him, her stamina giving out. Being a Templar, had her focus her character points towards her mana levels. She paused in the middle of the field, stopping to take a breath. Tangurple came to a stop further ahead. He didn't hear her behind him and he looked back towards the direction from which they came. She was hunched over in the field, breathing hard. He walked back over to her. "Exhausted already?"

"I didn't build my stamina like I should've. Give me a minute, it's almost full," She said, straightening herself out.

Off to the west, was a large grey object, roughly the size of a small car, at least at that distance. Tangurple caught sight of it and nudged Dailin. "You seeing this?"

Dailing looked up at the object. "What is that?"

"I don't know but I don't want to find out. Nothing in this game is friendly"

"Agreed, lead the way."

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