Dawn of Nightmares

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Footage of news reports spanning nearly every conceivable channel spanned across the sky. They all were talking about the same thing: Ember Wind Online. They all talked about the event that was supposed to be occurring for several minutes when suddenly, the topic changed. Many of them pressed their hands to their ears listening in to their bosses behind the scenes. In a frantic voice, many of them began to mention what was happening. Brains were being fried by the GTX when the helmet was externally removed from the user's head. Other news channels picked up on this and like a wildfire, word spread.

"These are real and current news reports. Those who have their helmets removed by an external force will be... killed. You should also be made aware of the fact that when you die in here, in this world, the GTX will kill you as well. The GTX is more than just a gaming device. Ember Wind is now more than a game. It is your home, your paradise..." With that, the wraith laughed maniacally and vanished into thin air. The population looked at each other in fear. The news reports in the sky rambled on and on about the various reports of microwaved brains.

"Ember Wind Online has become a dangerous place. What was once the most anticipated and most loved game is now the most hated. Literally minutes after the reports of death from the GTX started spreading across social media, it caught like fire and went everywhere. The whole world knows what's happening to the GTX and the game but no one knows the fear and panic that must be going on inside.

"It is believed that a total of 7 million GTX users have logged into Ember Wind, across 4 continents and well over a hundred countries. The brunt of the users are American Teenagers from ages of 14-18 years. This new tragedy is damaging to the gaming community but even more so to the future of Virtual Reality. This is Tanya Falcher, CNN..."

It took about a day for the people to get over the shock and awe of being trapped. Some of the older folks made an attempt to calm down the people of the game. Others used this as an opportunity for recruitment. Within a few hours, six guilds arose. The largest, most dominant one:

Guardians of the Collapsed

Headed by a group of Juggernauts and Knights, they made the strongest impression escalating their numbers to the hundreds of thousands.

On the fields of Athenry, north of the Town of Initiation, Tangurple and Falcher watched the sunset just passed the northern wall. "What do you think is going to happen out there?" Tangurple asked Falcher.

"To be dead honest. I think almost everyone here will die. If this game is going to be like any of Richer's others, there will be an inconceivable amount of methods of dying. It's his play style. I would expect nothing less of him"

"How old are you Falcher?"

"I'm 32. You?"


A heavy sigh came from Falcher. "Damn shame. I knew the biggest audience for this game was teenagers but I didn't want to believe it. I don't want to know that nearly 5 million teenagers will never get to experience the pleasures of adulthood."

"I'm sure they'll find pleasure. It is a video game after all."

Falcher raised a brow. "Knowing modern humans, probably. I just hope the PVP factor might dissuade them."

Tangurple stood up and looked down at Falcher, "we best be moving, if we want to live we need to grind"

Falcher stood up and rolled his eyes trying not to laugh. "You might want to reword that, Tang."

Tangurple had the realization and facepalmed. "You know what I mean"

"Suppose I didn't, you could be hitting on me"

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