The Enchantress

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"Tang, stop making decisions for the group" Dailin reprimanded him.

"Bri, we need a mage. You're a templar but a physical build not magical." Tangurple reminded her. He turned to Night, "What class are ya?"

"I am a Mage, subclasses of Enchanter, Druid, and Sorcerer." Night told them. "I have a specialty in buff and debuffs with some slight DPS on the side."

"That's grand!" Tangurple sounded eager. "Are you like uber squishy?" he asked, poking her.

Night squeaked and leaped back. "D-Don't poke me!"

Tangurple chuckled. "Yep, uber squishy."

Dailin glared at Tangurple. "You don't just-"

Tangurple poked Dailin's nose.

Dailin remained quiet, startled and confused.

Tangurple laughed and looked around them. "Where is Uskor anyways?"

Dailin turned to Creoft who was busy fondling the corpse of the bat. She sighed and looked at the sun. "If real-world logic still does apply in some aspects, let's hope the sun follows the same course. East to west over the southern direction."

"All right, but it's the sun, it doesn't move a whole lot and we can't stare at it for long without going blind," Tangurple commented.

Night chimed in. "I may have something that can guide us." She took a few steps back and spoke some words in an odd tongue. "Halfen jejera yuto calren."

Suddenly a small portal opened and a small creature stepped out. It stood only 3 feet tall and looked like a hyena only it was made of scales and colored lavender. It eyed the group in curiosity then turned to its summoner who knelt down beside it. She lifted its chin and kissed its head. She then stood up. "Yetsu tako jor Uskor"

The creature nodded and looked around as if to grasp its bearings. Then it ran off in some direction, likely north. Night turned to the others. "Let's go," she said, running after the creature.

Tangurple nodded and ran after her and Falcher after him. Dailin called back to Creoft and motioned for him to follow. Reluctantly, he followed Dailin.

Tangurple ran alongside night both of them tailing the creature by a few yards. He spoke between gasps of breath. "Where- did you- get- this thing?"

Night chuckled. "It's a reward"

"What quest?" Tangurple asked, looking forward just in time to dodge a tree in his path. He juked it and quickly sped up to get back to night's side.

"I- found some summoner- NPC I think."

The creature was lost beyond some trees. They kept running in that general direction, despite the loss of their guide. Some minutes later, Tangurple and Night emerged from the forest into a colder more northern field. Ahead of them was the long winding road that ran up the far away mountainside towards the cold city of Uskor. They stopped their mad sprint and tangurple toppled over panting heavily. Night took only a minute to catch her breath. She looked at him and laughed.

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