The Dead Arise

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"Surely, you're joking? That's the most unoriginal mob boss" Tangurple told Creoft.

"Not a joke. I wish it was but if it has any correlation or prediction of the next zone, I'm guessing it's gonna be an undead Twilight special." Creoft replied trying to contain a laugh.

"But we're going further north, when will we reach the tundra's and the snow biomes?"

"Don't ask me. I didn't design the world. The bastard ain't as original as he hoped. He redrew the map of Asia for Christ's sake. If he knows his geography, I'm guessing after this we'll find snow. If not, I'm going to be pissed."

"You're a snow person?"

"Hell no. I don't want to freeze my ass off. However, there is a design feature that I want to see if he implemented."

"What feature is that?"

"Snow trails"

"Snow trails?"

"When you walk through snow in the real world, you leave footprints and kick snow everywhere when you walk. I want to see if he added that."

"The man's got money but I don't think-"

"Every game designer knows that the even the most minute of details make all the difference to VR gamers."

Suddenly a whoosh came from the main hall. Creoft peered around the corner at two strange figures. Tangurple walked forward and looked around the corner. He saw Mia and Falcher recovering from the warp. "Falcher! Mia!" Tangurple shouted. "I have good news!"

Creoft hastily directed his attention to Tangurple. "You know them?"

"Duh! They're my friends. Falcher is the tall black dude and Mia is the purple haired girl" Tangurple quickly explained.

Creoft sighed, shrugged his shoulders in complacency and approached the two guests. "Welcome to the Guardian guild hall. I am Creoft, Company Commander of the guild."

Falcher nodded. "I am Falcher, pleased to meet you."

Mia eyed the man curiously. "What is a company commander?"

"A company commander is the guy who manages the company. A company, despite what you may know in economic terms, is a large collection of platoons which is a collection of squads which is a collection of soldiers. I deal with gear, transfer of orders to and from between the guild master and her army."

"Sounds painful" Mia commented.

"You have no idea..."

Falcher quickly changed the subject. "Tang, what news?"

"We're in on the next boss raid! They're going after the next Warden."



"You're shitting me?"

Creoft shook his head. "That's why this place is empty right now. Everyone is out either partying or sound asleep. We're going after the warden. He's a necromancer up in the Jelloth mountains to the far north. The whole guild is getting involved. Watching you three battle Castias has Dailin spooked."

"What for?" Tangurple asked. "That woman is badass. I'd know, I've known her for years."

"Even the strongest have their weaknesses. Achilles had his heels, Hitler with the USSR winter, Communism and internal politics. Everything falls apart eventually." Creoft said.

"That got dark." Mia blurted out.

"C'mon Creoft, I didn't peg you for the dark type." Tangurple nudged him.

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