Cave of Whispers

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To the northwest of the Town of Initiation, laid a cave buried within northern earthen walls. On the map, it was marked as a group dungeon with a suggestion of 10 members. Tangurple lowered his map. "You do realize the suggestion says, 10 people"

"The suggestion is based on the lowest level in the zone which in this case would be level one. You'd need ten level one players to kill her." Mia replied. "A few members of my old guild went after it a few days ago. Sent in a group of six. Emerged an hour later with five."

"That's not reassuring," Tangurple said.

"He didn't die by mobs. He fell to his death. In this cave, there's a spot in Thosia's room where there's a 5x10 foot area near the right wall with a bed of spikes at the bottom."

"Avoid the spike pit. Got it" Tangurple, too focused on the conversation with Mia, walked right into a pole. He held his head and cried out in pain. "Damn it. Who a put a pole here?"

Falcher and Mia eyed the pole. It was tall but had no purpose. It didn't house anything on top, no light source, no street signs, nothing. Just a tall cylindrical metal pole.

"That's a weird thing to have" Mia commented.

"I wonder what it's for. It doesn't have anything on top as far as I can see." Falcher shrugged his shoulders doubting the idea that it ever held a purpose. "C'mon you two, it's just a pole, let's get to the cave"

Tangurple kicked the pole in frustration, then walked around it. As they walked away, the metal pole became active with a fire column emerging from its top.

It was close to nightfall when they finally reached the entrance into the cave. It was sealed with heavy wooden doors. Mia looked at the doors then at Falcher. "It's almost night, you sure we should go in there?"

"We'll be better off in there than out here. Besides, I don't think Poison Oath would give up that easily on the chase. They may not go into town but that won't stop them from following us all the way out here. Let's get inside before they truly know where we are." Falcher approached the wooden doors and grabbed one handle. "Tang, get the other handle" He ordered him, pulling back on the door handle. The hinges creaked and groaned as dust rolled off the top of the door. Light flooded into the first few feet of the dark cave. No bats flew out which was always a good sight.

Mia looked into the cavern. "I don't want to go in there"

"You don't have to worry about the darkness Mia. I have my fire abilities" Tangurple said with a smile

"I thought the fire ability didn't unlock until level 15?"

Tangurple glared at Falcher. "Bruh..."

Falcher rolled his eyes and took the first step inside. "Don't be hitting on her."

"You know me, Falcher"

"And look what that did for us"

"That bar sucked anyways. Their liquor was dull"

"Because it ain't real alcohol. You can only mimic so much digitally..."

Mia trailed behind Falcher and Tangurple half tuned into their debate about the merits of flirting. They were walking blind into this cave, seeing barely just beyond their noses. After a few minutes, she heard something moving around. Some rocks fell and clattered a small echo. "Hey guys..." she said timidly

"Like that blonde was ever going to fall for you?" Tangurple remarked

"I'd have a better chance with that girl, and I'm black!"

"Hey guys..." she said a little louder

"Being black has nothing to do with it"

"Yes, it does! Women only want the bigger-"

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