To New Beginnings...

152 9 6

December 25, 2042

Some two thousand years ago, Christmas day was revered as a miracle. At least for those who believed in Christ. I remember today as a miracle. I don't know how many levels there are in the player progression system but at level 54, I out-leveled Uskor's world boss. I single-handedly took down a rank 3 boss with minimal difficulty. However, I think that match was too easy.

In the hours following that duel, I've been uneasy, on edge. I prayed to God that the curse of vampirism wasn't in her but when I saw those fangs... I knew it was true. I don't know what that sort of disease does to players but it turned NPCs into ghouls. Knowing that I can't imagine what it does to players.

I question this Judas character. It's either pure coincidence or Richer and his crew deliberately used Judas Iscariot as the first vampire and/or vampire lord. He referred to Ichabod as his thrall and even congratulated me on killing him. Something is not right about this Judas character. It's either a boss for the next zone or the final boss for the game. Although, I have my doubts about the latter. It's still technically early in level progression to have contact with the final boss. Suppose he is the final boss, what does that mean about the endgame?

I don't dare think about it more than I already have. I killed Ichabod and rescued Night... She's still sleeping, has been for hours now. I can't imagine what went on in that dungeon, the tantalizing things that said or did. What's even stranger is how easily I walked in and how easily we walked out. The Ghouls that prevented the advance of the guilds came in full force, wave after wave. None were to be seen nor heard as I passed on through. It still doesn't sit right with me.

When we emerged at the sloped entrance to the ravine near Uskor City, we were greeted by Dailin, Creoft, and Falcher.

Two figures emerged from the darkness, both of which were familiar. Dailin sprinted down and greeted Tangurple who was carrying Night over his shoulders. "Dailin." Tangurple huffed. "Night needs medical help."

Dailin saw the bite marks on Night's neck and immediately ran to Creoft. "Creoft, fetch a few of the healers and meet us in the Guildhall."

Creoft nodded and broke out into a sprint towards the town. Falcher and Night swapped places with Tangurple and carried her back to the guild hall. Inside, Night was laid on top of a marble counter and the healers that Creoft collected, studied her.

They must've spent most of today studying the bite mark. In most games, there is some sort of way to cure vampirism. In my father's day, it was going to the church and utilizing the in-game deities. That would cure all disease. In here, however, things were different, very different. Until now, no one has ever encountered a player who was infected with vampirism. The effects in here are very different from other games and with recent event, I would not be surprised if it did something to her physically. If the hundreds of stories regarding vampires are truly right, then Night will never see the light of day again in this digital realm.

I suppose that's not entirely a bad thing, we are both nocturnal creatures. The guilds run during the daytime hours when visibility is at its highest. With Night being the only player vampire, people will be curious about her and will probably lock her up...

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