The Land We Share

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Tangurple stared blankly into the book. He couldn't believe what he saw. After all of that, she just up and left. He slammed the book into the table and fell to his knees. The book bounced off the table and hit the floor. He groveled and pounded his fists into the floor. "Damn it, Bri!"

The ruckus woke up Falcher who, in a sleepy state, leaned over and looked at him. "What-" he paused to yawn. "What is the problem?"

Tangurple didn't speak. He didn't want to. He couldn't, even if he wanted to. He broke into tears right there.

Falcher rubbed his eyes and slowly became more aware. He got up and stood beside him. "She thought it would be best. I'm sorry, man."

"Damn it..." he growled. "I lost her once, I can't lose her again."

"You didn't lose her. She moved on."

Tangurple leaped to his feet and grabbed Falcher's shirt. His eyes were bloodshot from the crying. "Where?" he snapped.


"Don't play stupid, where did she go?"

Falcher sighed and threw Tangurple to the floor. "Wake up, will ya. She left. She told me not to tell you where she went."

"So you do know"

"She didn't even tell me." Tangurple lowered his head, once more. Falcher knelt down beside him. "It happens. For better or for worse, we gotta learn to keep moving forward. If we stop even for a moment, we could lose more."

"What would you know about loss?"

"My daughter. I told you the short story. I had to move on from that. Despite what you two once had all those years ago, it's gone. To relish that would be a disservice to yourself. Grieve for a day if you will, but you must move forward."

"You don't know her like I do. You haven't had the years-"

"I learned about the past between you two. It's enough that I understand."

"Why didn't you stop her?"

"I didn't see a need to. It's not my place to decide who stays together."

"Of course." Tangurple pushed up off the ground and sluggishly shuffled towards the doors of the tavern.

"Where are you going?"

"Out. I'll be a few hours."

The swamps of Reaper's March, even a few yards off from the town's borders, were populated with alligators and other nasty swamp life. Over the course of the week following the initial reclamation of the town of Swampmaw, the lands came alive with hunters, trappers, and even a few tamers. To the southwest of the town was a lamia den. The home to the alluring snake-women who feasted upon their male victims. Tangruple had followed the Guardian raid on the Lamia den. He even joined in on a few of the dungeon bosses. They, however, weren't interested in him.

He traveled with Falcher and Mia for the week, exploring the southern lands. They weren't concerned about Poisoned Oath. The murder guild hadn't been very active that week. Rumors of a Guardian assault on their hideout spread like wildfire and despite their past claims on the lives of unfortunate wanderers, they lost power.

Wednesday rolled by but at night, another announcement came. The skies turned blood red and the male announcer spoke. "Attention Citizens of Reaper's March. It has been one month since the game's launch. The death count has grown since minute one. One thousand, three hundred and seventy-four deaths are due to the Improper removal of the helmet. Five hundred and twelve deaths are due to dehydration or starvation due to the lack of other people present. Two hundred to willful suicide by mob attack. One hundred and ninety-two from being executed as criminals in towns. Another one million seven hundred thousand have died valiantly on the battlefield. That leaves only a little more than five million players remaining out of the initial seven million. That is all" The sky then faded back to the late evening colors as the sun slowly set over the horizon.

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