Chapter 6

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Abdullah P.O.V
I missed my mother.

For some reason, all I could think about while I was sitting in the café that day was that I missed her. Her smile, her eyes, her laugh. I just missed the happiness I felt when I saw my mother.

As far as I can remember, my mother was always there for me. My foster mothers always belittled and degraded me. None of them loved me. None of them. I felt like crying about it sometimes, but it felt useless to cry over. I sighed and stirred the coffee around, not feeling in the mood to drink it.

Aisha. What was my purpose in meeting her? I heard she was getting married, so it couldn't be that. Why did I have a feeling that it was meant to be that our paths cross? I couldn't pin the reason why. I just felt that it was beyond my control. Why did I help her that day when she was getting soaked in the rain? I can't even remember what I was thinking about at the time. Why did I stop to help her?

I didn't feel any romantic feelings towards her. No. I didn't at all. For some reason, even if I tried to force myself into doing so, I wouldn't be able to. I just couldn't feel true love for her. I thought of her as a friend, like I thought of Omar or Muhammad. But not as a wife or someone I could love. Why? I had no clue. I was sure that Allah did not want it to be so.

Muhammad insisted on me somehow liking her in a romantic way, but I didn't feel what he spoke of. I then thought about it. Aisha was used to getting the world. I was not. Our lives were totally different. If we were married, our lifestyles would clash. Our cultures would clash too. She was from Saudi Arabia. I was from Morocco. We had totally different cultures and customs. It would be difficult to adapt. All in all, it would never work. Allah just did not have it planned for us. And to be honest, I didn't feel mad about it or anything. Allah wants it this way, and Allah knows best. He is the best of planners. He knows all and He knows what is going to work for me and for her. He would not have had Aisha marry that Uthman guy if it was not the best for the both of them.

Uthman P.O.V
I loved her to the ends of Earth and back! Words cannot express the feelings I have for Aisha. With all honesty, I'm still in shock that she accepted. From the way she looked at me when we first met, I was sure she would say no. When her father told me he accepted, I felt as if the whole world had turned to pure gold. I didn't know why, or for what reason, but it was meant to be. It truly was meant to be.

I sat at home that afternoon, a smile on my face the entire time. When my mother called to check on me, I was so cheerful, she was slightly concerned. That's because for a long time, I was an angry, jerk of a teenager. I used to get into fights and I had lost my way in life. Then, when my father gave me hold of the company, he even let me rename it in my name. I began to act better. I stopped the anger. Stopped the fights. Stopped everything negative about my past. And now that I was getting married, I vowed that I would never return to my old ways.

I guess everything about life intrigues me. I find the smallest things worth a lot. To some I know, their fancy cars mean little to them. To me, my fancy cars mean so much to me. I was born like that. I just took pride in all I had.

I decided I'd text Aisha to see if she was awake. It was getting a bit late, but I hoped she wasn't asleep.

U: Hey, u awake?

A: yeah. Something up?

U: just wanted to see how you were doing

A: tired. Bored. I dunno

U: what are you doing tomorrow?

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