Chapter 13

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Abdullah P.O.V
Recently, I had applied at college to make my last year of med school, since I was in my third year, an extra year of residency. They accepted. I decided that I wanted to be an ER doctor. I found the ER to be very important, since things happen there that need immediate attention. I wanted to be part of that. I found a doctor who was willing to help me learn the way. I was grateful to him.

To me, ER doctors were heroes. Then again, all doctors are heroes. The ER doctor who was training me was teaching me about the many things to do in case of a car crash victim, when he suddenly stopped talking.

"And?" I asked, waiting for him to continue.

"Abdullah, I didn't say this yet, but let me tell you something. This job is not for the faint of heart. You will see things here that will make you wish you never existed. You will see more gore than ever. There will be disturbing images. That being said, why do you want this job so much?"

"Because I want to save lives. Because I once sat in this room, my parents shot, waiting to find out what had happened to them. I want to make sure that the story of my parents never happens to any other person ever," I replied. That was the true reason why I wanted this job.

"I see. It's personal, isn't it?"

"Yes. Very."

"I'm sure you will succeed in this job, Abdullah. Someone with ambition and passion for their field always ends up succeeding," he replied.

"Thank you, doctor Alex."

"Don't prove me wrong, Abdullah, promise me that."

"I promise."

Aisha P.O.V
We finally arrived at home after the fun hours of dinner. I really enjoyed my time with Uthman. I still had two serious topics to talk to him about. I hoped he'd take what I said seriously.

In bed that night, I decided that I'd talk to Uthman about it.

"Uthman?" I started.

"Yeah?" He finished putting his phone on the charger and turned to face me.

"I have something to tell you. It's not that big of a deal, just a concern of mine, please don't get mad. I think that you should start taking jumah prayer seriously. The masjid is so close to your work, so I don't see why you don't go there every jumah. I just would love to see you enter jannah," I explained.

Uthman sighed, "Aisha, I get your concerns, but I just don't care that much."

"Please, Uthman. I know it may seem boring, but you should consider going."

"Do you expect someone who doesn't even pray most of the time to go to jumah?"

I paused for a moment. He barely prayed? I took in a deep breath, "Yes. I do expect that. It's never too late to start, Uthman. Prayer is so important to Islam. I really don't think that you're doing yourself a favor by not praying at all."

"Aisha, what's the gain?"

"What do you mean what's the gain? Uthman, the reward from Allah is greater than the dunya," I replied, growing more exasperated by the minute.

"Don't worry about what I do or don't do-"

"No, Uthman, I will worry about what you do. I worry because I want you to go to jannah. I don't want to see you burn in hell for not praying. For neglecting jumah. For silly things. Stop drinking wine. What's the point? Just drink freaking grape juice. It's the same damn thing, Uthman. Stop neglecting Allah. It's not going to work in your favor in the end. One day, you'll understand what I'm saying, Uthman, and you'll regret what you're doing. Trust me on that. Every rakat in prayer counts. Everything counts."

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