Chapter 10

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Aisha P.O.V
For what seemed like weeks, everybody was on edge about what had happened to me. The mood at home was not light at all. Baba did not want me to go outside alone anymore. I understood and did not complain a bit about it. I would've reacted the same way too if I were him. Baba did allow me to be with Uthman outside the house, which I was relieved about. And with every day that passed, our love for each other grew.

And finally, after waiting for so long, we were finally going to have our Walima. Baba agreed to my wishes and we decided not to have an elaborate wedding. Mama did insist I find a beautiful dress though. I did not protest.

She finally convinced me of a white dress with a frilly bottom that was covered in butterflies and sparkled with every movement I made. She also found a matching hijab to go with it. It was probably one of the first times I had seen Mama cry out of joy, not pain or sadness.

I was so excited. This was it. After this night, Uthman and I would be officially married. We would be able to act freely around each other. Baba and Mama invited tons of family members and friends, and I even extended an invitation to Fatima. She was reluctant to come for some reason.

As I was getting ready, Mama insisted that she do my makeup.

"Let this be a gift from me to you before you become a married woman," she grinned as she applied the liquid eyeliner on me.

"Mama, is being married fun?" I asked. Why was I asking this question now, I had no idea.

"Habibti, it's the most beautiful thing ever. You just have to know how to make it work. And so far, I think you really do love Uthman," Mama winked.

"Love him is an understatement!" I squealed like an excited child.

"Elhamdollah. This is a blessing from Allah," Mama smiled at me.

"Elhamdollah," I repeated.

"Just promise me one thing, Aisha," Maya's tone got serious.


"Be there for him. Don't expect him to be there for you, and you not there for him."

"I promise, Mama," I nodded. I felt like a little girl, headed off to first grade again, getting life lessons from Mama. This time, I was a woman, headed off to the magical world of marriage.

Abdullah P.O.V
"Today is her Walima," Fatima grumbled as she and I worked on the project we had for embryology.

"Aren't you going?" I asked curiously.


"Why not? You and Aisha have been friends for so long."

"She ditched me when he came around," Fatima snarled.


"Yes. Him."

"Fatima, she is getting married to him," I rolled my eyes.

"I hate her," Fatima slammed her utensils down on the table.

Ya Allah. Will she just calm down?

"Fatima, just read something from the Quran and calm yourself," I sighed and stopped working.

"You don't care one bit? Didn't you ever feel anything for her?"

"Why does everybody assume that? And no, I did not. It's not maktoob," I replied.

"You always preach so much about stuff being meant to be, when will you accept that not everything that doesn't-"

"I won't stop thinking this way. I'm sorry, Fatima, but to me, everything had been planned by Allah," I replied.

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