Chapter 11

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Aisha P.O.V
It would be my first night in Uthman's house ever. He agreed to drive me down there. As we were driving, he bragged about all the cool stuff and how I would love the place. I tried to imagine a bunch of different houses, but none of what I described to him matched the truth.

"So is it beachfront?"

"You'll see, Aisha," Uthman laughed, shaking his head playfully.

He pulled into a driveway that had a large fountain in the middle of a circular area. The garage was clear and the cars in there were visible. Lamborghinis, Ferraris, BMWs, all the luxury cars out there. It was a modern mansion, and was even prettier than I had ever imagined.

Uthman unlocked the door and stepped inside. I followed him, and he turned the lights on. It was simply decorated, yet the simplicity made it much more beautiful than an elaborately decorated home. I took in the whole place. I noted where everything was. I was definitely going to use the refrigerator. I needed a place to store food.

"It's not the best, but I was single so..." Uthman laughed with a hint of sheepishness.

"I think it's beautiful," I turned to face him. I could see in his eyes that he was pleased with my answer. He embraced me, and I felt his warmth. His hugs were so comforting. I let myself feel lost in his arms.

"I don't know what time you want to sleep, but it's your home now too," Uthman said.

"I am dead tired. Now seems great," I replied.

I had to get used to being in anew home, knowing where all my clothes were, knowing where the bathroom was and what was stored in it. The house was huge. There was so much space.

I slipped into my pajamas and removed my hijab. I fixed my hair up, brushed it smooth, and made sure that my face was clean and washed. I brushed my teeth and made sure my eyebrows and eyelashes looked flawless.

I took in a deep breath. Uthman had never seen me without a hijab before. I wondered what he would think of the way I looked. I found myself doubting the appearance staring back at me in the mirror, but I hoped that he would not be judgmental about the way I looked.

I opened the door and saw Uthman was already in bed, phone in hand. I felt myself shaking for some reason. I had no clue why, but maybe I was just nervous. I was married. It was a strange feeling.

Uthman looked up, and instantly he smiled. His brown eyes shone with a light I had never seen come from them before, "You're gorgeous."

I was blushing. Oh God, I was blushing so bad. I stood there, the words knocked out of me. I wanted to thank him, to say something, but no words came.

"T-thanks," was all I stammered in response. I got in bed, my heart racing. Uthman looked so perfect up close. Did I look the same?

"Mashallah. I'm being serious, you're the most beautiful woman to ever exist," Uthman titled my chin up so that my eyes were staring into his. Then, he pressed his lips to mine.


I woke up the next morning in a state of peace. Uthman was still asleep, his face looked so calm as he slept. I sat up in bed and stretched my arms out. I let out a small yawn and got out of bed, slowly making my way to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and hair, and I performed fajr prayer.

I went downstairs. I decided to surprise Uthman and make breakfast that morning. I didn't know if he was going to work that day or not, but I was thinking about what other stuff he had gotten for me, and I was thinking about him mainly. The way his lips felt against my own.

Meant To Be? (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें