Chapter 18

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Uthman P.O.V
The following day, my sister called. My father had survived the operation. The tumor was gone. I was relieved, but it still wasn't relieving knowing that Aisha was still in a coma. She was in a near-death state. The doctor and that Abdullah fellow entered the room.

"Hello, Mr. Sufyan. I take it she still hasn't responded?" The doctor pulled up a chair next to me. Why did I have a strange feeling? He didn't usually do that...

"Unfortunately. She was stirring, slightly moving, yesterday," I replied, a bit suspicious.

"I see. So no words?"


"Okay, as it's been a few days with barely any progress, you have a choice, Mr. Sufyan. We can keep her here until she wakes up, or we can cut life support off of her. I fear that she may not wake up, as the progress is very slow. Her injuries were severe, and we don't know if she will ever fully recover," the doctor explained in a slow and quiet voice. I looked at him with death reading in my eyes. Cut life support? Was this man insane?!

"You're keeping her on life support," I said in a harsher tone than I had expected, "She's going to wake up, you understand? She's going to wake up."

"Mr. Sufyan, it was a-"

"Stupid thing to ask," I replied bluntly.

"I understand, it is entirely your choice," the doctor stood up as he spoke.

I turned to Abdullah, "He's not kidding about it? He actually asked me to cut her support off?" I asked him that in Arabic though.

"He isn't kidding. It's happened before, this problem. Usually, the patient doesn't wake up for months, Uthman," Abdullah responded in Arabic quietly.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Here I was, the messed up guy at the moment, but I had more hope than they did.

"She will survive, if Allah wills it. Which I hope he does."

"Look, Uthman, you can keep believing that God will save her, but it's medical advancements that will come through in the end," the doctor replied in an annoyed tone. That statement was a mistake.

"What did you just say? Can't you see I'm in a shitty state and I need anything, anything! Some hope! ANY HOPE! I'm going crazy just thinking about what's happening to her! Don't make this any worse! I don't give two shits if it was medicine or not! If Allah wills it she will wake up. You have the right to believe anything you want, but don't try and break my faith after I just gained it!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sufyan. I should've been more kinder about it."

"Damn right you should've. I bet you would've gotten mad if you were in my position," I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Just calm down," Abdullah said to me. I was glad he was speaking in Arabic. I didn't want that doctor to hear us talking.

I turned to look at Abdullah, "I feel so responsible for this! What do you want me to do?!" I could tell the doctor was uncomfortable. I was obviously shouting something, but he couldn't understand. It probably pissed him off a bit.

"It's okay, Uthman. Sabr," Abdullah replied in a calm and collected voice.

I turned back to the doctor, "You will not speak to me about your medical crap saving her. So far, it's doing a shitty job."

"If God wills it, she will come out alive," The doctor whispered.

"Anything else?"

"No. I will be taking my leave now. Thank you," the doctor motioned for Abdullah and the two of them left the room.

Abdullah P.O.
That day, Omar called me. I picked up the phone with some reluctance. Lately, Omar had been having some problems in life, and he liked to vent.

"Salam," I said.

"Salam, Abdullah. How's everything?" Omar asked.

"As good as they can be. Remember Aisha? From school?"

"Fatima's friend? Yeah. Why?"

"I'm doing my residency in the hospital. She got into an accident the other day that almost killed her. I'm not sure what's going to happen to her," I said. Omar didn't reply for a while.

"La hawla wala quitta illah billah. She alive?"

"Yeah, but barley."

"How'd she get into one?" Omar asked. I could hear the seriousness in his tone.

"No clue. What are you up to?" I asked him, going he'd change the subject.

"Not much. Muhammad and I have been completing our residency at Regent Hospital. We tried to go to the same one as you, but they didn't accept, those bastards," Omar laughed at the end of his statement.

I laughed, but it was a beat down laugh, "How's Muhammad?"

"He's doing fine. He's getting married soon. Some Saudi girl. Don't know her very much. She's full on niqabi man. Didn't think Muhammad was into that," Omar chuckled.

"He's Muhammad. Unexpected," I grinned.

"Well, yeah, sure," Omar said.

"I have to go now," I lied, "Bye!"

"Bye, Abdullah," Omar replied.

I hung up and stared at the wall opposite to where I was sitting. I thought back to how Uthman had gotten into that argument with the doctor. A few days ago, this guy had no faith, and all of a sudden he did. Amazing. At the same time, I saw the helplessness in his eyes. I was sure that part of him believed the doctor. Part of me believed that doctor. I was a bit saddened at that part of me, because I'm usually the person who would tell anyone to have some faith, but today, my faith was a bit drained.

Uthman P.O.V
I waited for something to happen. Anything. I was freaking out in my mind. Nothing wanted to work. I heard those machines beeping in the background. They were the things keeping her alive, right after Allah.

Then, something miraculous happened. Something I would've never expected. Aisha stirred, and her eyes flickered open. I stood up, shock and excitement filling me. Her eyes darted over to me, around the room, and she furrowed her brow in confusion. I quickly went to find a nurse. I explained that she had to get the doctor, and a few minutes later, the doctor arrived. Abdullah was following him.

They checked Aisha's vitals. Everything seemed to be normal. Even her oxygen levels were fine. They took her off of oxygen support, but she had to stay in the hospital for a few more days. I was willing to wait every single day, I just wanted to be there for her.

For a few hours, she didn't utter a word, something that scared me. She occasionally looked at me, but she would look away quickly. Had she not forgiven me? Was she just confused?

Salam alaykoum! Hello!

Another chapter! Yes! We are nearing the end of the story (this is sad for me). Don't worry, I'll probably start a new story soon!

For now, enjoy! Keep reading, voting, and commenting! I appreciate every read!

Salam for now!

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