"Over The Pain"

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A squirrel looked up from its meal of nuts and berries and looked around anxiously, its nose quivering.


At this, the squirrel was spooked enough to make a break for the nearest tree.

Once it reached the safety of the branches, it looked down.

"It's not as if it's so easy to do that,"

The red wolf leaned forward and licked the surface of the water, feeling cold water trickle down its throat.

The Place of Memories, Akihabara National Park, nicknamed so due to the many things that anyone could do here.

Where Muse had their first picnic, their first hike up mountains and many more.

Now, it was their sanctuary.

The dark blue wolf grunted and pinned the fish down with its paw.

"It was a new thing I learnt,"

The red wolf looked up at its companion, lavender eyes burning into golden orbs.

"So...what do we do?"

"We have a hunch. So we follow it."

The blue wolf sat on its haunches, watching the fish struggle under its paw.

"Eli sacrficied herself in order to let us go. Surely we have to grasp this chance."

"What for?"

"What do you mean, Umi? Have you forgotten about Kotori?"

"Of course not!" The blue wolf snapped agitatedly, before composing herself, glancing at the grass underneath her paws with a hint of sadness. "It is just...we are not the same people we were before. Will they be able to accept that?"

"Eli let us go for this exact purpose. To find who we once were."

"It is probably lost. All the pain we have gone through, surely that has grown over who we were before."

Umi, with a swipe of her paw, killed the fish and started gnawing on it hungrily.

"Will Kotori even love me for who I am now?"

"Do you think I've not thought about that when it concerns Nico?"

"I do not doubt it one bit."

"Then there's your answer. I'm worrying about it too, the same as you are."

The blue wolf looked up from her snack, licking her chops clean of the fish's blood, staring straight into the red wolf's purple eyes.

"You have a point, Maki."



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