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Taehyung lay awake on the bed, it was the middle of the night and he knew, he wouldn't go back to sleep. The boy, Jungkook, was still wrapped to him, but the position changed. Now Jungkook was only hugging his waist and his legs were entangled with the younger. Taehyung sighed, he maybe was dead, but he still felt the fatigue. He felt the long walk taking it's toll and the not sleeping now. He thought that maybe, yeah maybe when he is dead he wouldn't feel these things anymore, but he was proofed wrong.

Thinking about everything now, Taehyung thought it was stupid to take his life willingly away. Why did he think so though? Was it regret? Or something else, he did not know. Sighing for the umpteenth time, he wanted to roll over, but the boy wrapped around him did not let him. So he sighed again. He heard a noise that startled him, the voice of the younger.

"Could you stop sighing? I can't go back to sleep!" The younger mumbled while slowly opening his eyes. This made Taehyung sigh yet again. Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Dude, what did you not understand about the part, stop sighing? Was there anything to misunderstand? Did I talk German?" Jungkook asked annoyed and now Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Dude," Taehyung started and was about to annoy the younger. "I. Understand. You. Just. Fine. You. Just. Can't. Let. Go. Off. Me. I. Will. Sleep. Somewhere. Else. Since. I. Can't. Go. Back. To. Sleep. Anymore!" Jungkook now rolled his eyes and let go of Taehyung, who quickly stood up and out of the room. He did not care where he went and he was perfectly fine with everything right now. Just sitting down somewhere would be perfect, so he did in the middle of the hallway. He sat there contemplating his life choices, he did not know if he did good. Probably not since he is dead.

He couldn't accept the fact even though he chose too. He chose to die, but it is hard for him to accept it, accept he actually did this. Was his sister questioning herself too? Was she? Wishing he knew it he let his head fall again the wall. Damn it was hard, harder then he initially thought. Well he didn't expect to come here, so it was probably understandable. What would you do, if you ended up like this?

Looking up at the ceiling Taehyung thought, it always comes back to bite you into the ass. Always. Every little bad thing you do, comes back, when it comes back it is bad. It will collapse and break on you. Like when a dam breaks and the waves come crashing down. That was what Taehyung felt right now. Yes his life wasn't the best, maybe the others life's weren't the best either, he did not know. Still who would have thought this would happen, he never thought of that possibility. It was always either ending up in hell or heaven. But like always some things never go as planned. Taehyung let his body fall to the side, so he lay there pressed against the wall.

He stared at the opposite wall for a long time, until he actually fall asleep like a dead weight in the hallway. His dreams weren't pleasable, but fatigue did his work and let Taehyung sleep, on the cold and hard wooden floor. He did not even wake up when a passing by Jin saw him on the floor, scooped him up and carried him to one empty room. Laying him down on the bed and tucking the sleeping male in. Sighing Jin left the room and closed the door.

"Why was he even in the hallway?" Jin asked himself wondering about it. He then decided with a shrug of his shoulder he shouldn't be worrying about it, he will ask later why. Right now he wanted to go and make breakfast, he was hungry. Shaking his head he went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Later on Yoongi joined, he greeted the older with a grunt and went to the table and sat down. Even though Yoongi just woke up from his sleep he was still tired. He always will be though. It was his fate in a way, none of them knew if they were ever to come out of this. Right now, they were happy they weren't alone in this.

"Oh, Yoongi, excuse me when I interrupt your beauty sleep, but do you know why Taehyung was in the hallway?" Jin asked cautious, but Yoongi simply shook his head and made a disapproving sound.

"How should I know he slept in the Maknaes room ask him!" Yoongi said annoyed, the older always asks this kind of stuff even though he never knows. Why the older does this, he did not know, but he also didn't want to know. So he just dozed of on the table until everyone was gathered around the table, except for Taehyung who still slept like a dead weight.

Jin looked at Jungkook, who was obvious to the olders stares. The others however noticed, they ate in silence not wanting to make too much ruckus. They knew if they did they would get the wrath of the oldest and that is no fun at all. So they choose not to get it.

"Jungkook," Jin started in a rather threatening tone. The other boys started to eat faster in fear they were dragged into this shit. "Why did I fing Taehyung out in the hallway, when you made him sleep in your bed?!" Jin went further, the other boys were finished by now, they said small 'It tasted great's' and 'thank you for the meal hyung'. They left the kitchen and by now the youngest also had caught onto what was happening.

"Uh, he, uh well, you see he... He sighed so often and I woke up... Then I sent him out cause it annoyed me..." The voice of the younger got smaller and smaller as the glare of his Hyung became more threatening.

"That is no reason at all to throw out your bedmate, you idiot!" And that is how Jungkook ended up listening to one of the speeches of the oldest about respect and such. The others where listening to the beginning through the door and sighed when they knew they escaped the death trap after they already died. They listened for a bit until they turned around and froze, there was Taehyung yawning. They scratched their necks nervously. Hoseok gathered himself first and smiled at Taehyung.

"If I were you and cherish this afterlife and you don't wanna die anymore, I wouldn't enter the kitchen right now." Hoseok said clasping a hand on Taehyung's shoulder, who just shrugged turned around and walked to the room he had woken up in previously to sleep more. The others thought knew he had to talk with Jin and Jungkook either way. But it was none of their Buisness. They quickly dispersed into the living room not quite wanting to get involved. They heard a door slam open and they knew it was Jin.

Meanwhile Taehyung was really unsuspecting in his room, he looked closely at himself. He wondered what the green glow meant, but he just couldn't fit it. Sighing again, he thought that he wanted to go to sleep, but didn't. Instead he wondered about the glow. He suddenly heard the door bang open and a wild Seokjin appeared, who then proceeded to drag Taehyung out of the door. The young boy struggled at first then giving up looking at the white walls and tiled floor. However this house existed he did not know and how no living being took notice of he also did not know. Once Jin stopped dragging the poor soul, Taehyung saw a bowing Jungkook and frowned. What is even happening? Taehyung asked himself.

"I apologize for being such a nuisance anf threw you out of my room. I should have been more nicer to you!" Jungkook told Taehyung who only nodded baffled. He did not expect this to be the outcome of anything.

"Yeah, it is ok, I guess!" Taehyung said scratching the back of his neck. He didn't knew how to respond, but he knew that whatever was happening had a reason.

"Also, who put me into a room?" He asked now and Jin smiled at the younger.

"It was me, now eat something then you can go and do whatever you want!" Jin told Taehyung who only nodded and sat down at the table, looking at Jungkook now he looked rather pale Taehyung wondered why that was. With a shrug he went back to eating and didn't care about a thing for the moment.


Hello again, I know the chapter is short, but it is kinda hard to write this in a way... But that is something personal and I probably will pour it out at one point :') I just know myself, but anyways, I try to update next week again. Except that I am totally busy during the week, tomorrow I have a dance competition and no I am totally not nervous *Jungkook pops up* that is a total lie she is nervous as heck!
*author starts to get nervous* anyways I hope you still liked this. Also there will be probably a little time skip

*shameless self promotion* I am writing a leverage and BTS au, so if you know leverage and like it, make sure to read it, but there will be probably boyxboy and there is a crossdressing Jungkook... Uhm opps XD Anyway just wanted to leave that here

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