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Taehyung grew up protected, mostly raised by his grandmother. He wanted to become a farmer. Though one thing kept on happening.

Taehyung had weird dreams.

Those weird dreams, felt very real though. There was a girl, with long black hair, seven boys, a mansion. He also felt this weird pull in his chest, it kept pulling him towards something.

At least that is what it felt like to him. He re-dreamed it seemed to him. There were scenes and feelings involved, that he felt were too real, to not be something.

He told his parents, so they went to a psychiatrist, but they also couldn't find anything wrong with Taehyung. They said Taehyung is a mentally healthy boy. Why he dreamt about his own suicide and such, they did not know.

So his parents tried to shrug it off, even though they had to wake up sometimes to their son crying. They wished they could do something, anything about it.

They knew nothing would help, unfortunately for them. So they wished their son would have good grades and life a happy and healthy live nonetheless. Which he indeed did, he had friends. He was good in school.

Though, they saw sadness lie behind their son's eye. They tried to give him the most they could. Cheering him on in everything he did. Leaving their fears of those dreams behind.


Taehyung was in school, one of his friends approached him. Trying to scare him, which the friend succeeded in.

"Ahh, you scared me, BoYoung!" Taehyung said with his already deep baritone. BoYoung just laughed and fell on his butt.

"I am sorry, but did you hear, there will be a audition for an entertainment company. I wanted to go, but did not want to go alone. So I was wondering..." Taehyung interrupted the sentence.

"Yes, I will go with you, dork!" He said smiling. BoYoung nodded and smiled back at Taehyung. His smile full of gratefulness.

"Ok the day after tomorrow, I will see ya then after school and we go there together!" BoYoung said going back to his class and waved a goodbye to Taehyung who waved back.

So Taehyung went on with his day wondering about what will happen the day after tomorrow. He always wanted to become a singer hence why he is taking saxophone lessons.

His father said, if he wanted to become a musician, especially a singer he had to play an instrument. For Taehyung it was the saxophone. Playing it ok at the moment, after school he had to go to his lessons.

Sighing Taehyung sat down on his seat in his class and started to write down everything useful. After school ended he packed everything in his backpack and walked to his saxophone lessons.

After he was done with those he went home. Tired and hungry as he was. Once he reached their houses front door he unlocked it and walked in yelling out a Hello so everyone knew he was home.

Walking to the kitchen he saw his mother. Greeting her with a kiss on the cheek and a small 'Hello Mum!'. His mum greeted back and Taehyung took a cup of instant noodles. He prepared them and took his chopsticks.

Sitting down at the table with his mother, he said thanks for the meal and started eating. His mom put down the book she was reading and smiled at her son.

"So how was your day, my dear?" She asked smiling at her son, who smiled right back through a mouthful of noodles. He quickly swallowed them and went to answer.

Save Me | BTS ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon