"전 전군"

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Jungkook wasn't as easy, though Taehyung bribed him with a fun adventure. Fun adventure this time for Taehyung was taking Jungkook to the exact same places as he took Yoongi, okay, with the place where he took Namjoon.

"When are we finally there? I kind of want to play my video games. I still need to do that one quest at dragon Age..." Jungkook said and sighed. Taehyung just pulled him further. Walking happily to the place Jin died, but every step closer to the place his heart grew a little more heavy.

"You know, Jin died here, there are so many things I could tell you about it. But not right now. He was sad all the time you know? He wanted to say so many things, but he did not. I will come back to this later." Taehyung said and walked to their next destination, their old apartment.

As Jungkook realized where they were he wanted to run away, but once he saw how their apartment looked now, the boy stoped in his tracks. Tears slowly formed in his eyes.

"Wha- What happened?" Jungkook asked stuttering. Taehyung looked back to Jungkook who sat flat on his butt and looked devastated. Taehyung crouched infront of the younger.

"Jungkook, did you ever ask Yoongi how he died?" Taehyung asked carefully. Jungkook only shook his head, he didn't ask. He couldn't ask.

"N-no I did not, I couldn't bring myself to even talk to him! I am such a bad younger brother, aren't I?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung shook his head in denial.

"Don't think so, you weren't. I bet you had a reason, to do so. Everything happens for a reason, never forget that!" Taehyung said, Jungkook rubbed his tears away and looked up to Taehyung.

"What happened here?" Jungkook asked again and Taehyung sighed, he knew the younger will only cry more. But he can't change what happened.

"Yoongi, he... Well, he burnt down the apartment. Killing himself in the process, you know, he had a very colorful way of expressing how it felt. He was sad when you didn't talk to him." Taehyung said and Jungkook sniffled, Taehyung knew that what he said made the younger said. He couldn't do a thing about it though.

"I am sorry!" Taehyung said and let Jungkook calm down. He heard the sobs and it was killing him inside knowing the youngest felt thsi guilty about it.

After a while of listening to the sobs, they stopped. Taehyung perked up and saw Jungkook who was standing. He stood up as well and looked at Jungkook.

"Can we go?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung nodded in return. He walked ahead not mentioning anything until they stood infront of the gas station. Jungkook raised an eyebrow at Taehyung but didn't comment on it.

"This is where Namjoon died, and all of your death's are related to each other." He explained making Jungkook looked questioning at the older.

"How so?" Jungkook proceeded to ask.

"Well, you see Namjoon blew up this thing and how all of your death are related, well I will explain you, but follow me." Taehyung said and walked again, away from there, to the place where Jungkook died.

"You see, Jin's girlfriend broke up with him. So one day he started to get drunk, he also went to a bar and drunk more. He caused a ruckus, because he didn't want to take a taxi. So they threw him out. He took his own car and drove, he got to refill his gas, at the station Namjoon worked at, told the other some pretty nasty stuff.

Namjoon proceeded to throw his cigarette on the money, with the gasoline added it blew up. After Jin drove further, at one point, he did a hit and run. This hit and run was you Jungkook, so if he didn't cause the ruckus, he wouldn't have droven himself. He wouldn't have to get gas, he wouldn't have ever hit you and killed you.

After all that, Yoongi found out about you, he was alone. He was hurt and he was depressed. He quit his job, the only thing keeping him going before was you Jungkook. There is no way to sugar coat a thing. I am sorry Jungkook. I really am. But we can't change this." Taehyung ended and turned to Jungkook.

They were already at the place they were supposed to be. Jungkook recognized the place and sighed.

"I knew that we would end here!" Jungkook said, walking to the girl in the far corner.

"Hello, I see that you can see us right?" Jungkook said and looked at MinJi's surprised face, Taehyung too was surprised. They looked to each other then to Jungkook, MinJi nodded still in shock.

"How did you know?" Taehyung asked being the first to snap out of the shock they both were in.

"It was just a wild guess!" Jungkook said and shrugged. "So what do you want me to do now?" He added expressionless.

"Well, you know don't you?" Taehyung asked making Jungkook nod. He looked between the two and sat down next to the girl.

"You know, there was this thing about me and Yoongi, yeah we were attached by the hip, but there were unspoken things between us. Like that he was depressed and I was depressed and a troublesome kid. I never talked about what made me so troublesome though.

You probably know that I was in an orphanage, but the thing is... Well, my parents told me directly that I wasn't supposed to be born. They practically dragged me to the orphanage and just let me stand there. It rained, I was soaked and until someone found me I was practically half dead.

It bothered me all the time, even though I had Yoongi-Hyung, I didn't want to talk about it. I tried to forget it, but when you experience such harsh words from the people that are supposed to love you. Well you get feelings and those feelings are negative one's.

I started to try to get attention from people around me, so I went out late, I searched fights I wanted to get these bruises. I... I don't think that is what you are supposed to do. But I did anyways.

I knew, Yoongi-Hyung was concerned,  but like I said there were things that were unsaid between the two of us. J wish I could have told him that I loved him as my brother." Jungkook said sobbing. Burying his head in his hands.

"That evening, I went out, I was so sick of everything. I bumped into some people, who later came back for me and beat me up. After that I didn't care about anything anymore, I walked over the street and stopped when I saw lights coming my way. It was a car with a speed that it couldn't be stopped, before it made impact with me. I felt every bone break, dying by impact." He completely finished, his head still in his hands.

Taehyung walked over to Jungkook. Crouching down infront of him and putting a hand on his shoulder making him look up.

"There are two things I should tell you. First thing is from Jin, he told me to tell you that he is sorry. The second thing is from Yoongi, he told me to tell you that he loves you and that he missed you. He wanted to talk to you but you ignored him." Taehyung said and Jungkook nodded.

"I know, I shouldn't have, thank you for telling me. I think this is goodbye right? Well, I hope to see you again in a way Taehyung!" Taehyung nodded and said a goodbye, seeing the boy disappear infront of his eyes.

Looking back to MinJi he sighed. She looked down too. "You know who is it going to be tomorrow, right?" Taehyung asked making MinJi nod.

"Yeah, I know! I will see you tomorrow then Taehyung! Sleep well, uh if you sleep!" MinJi ended and they parted their ways. Taehyung returned back to the house, where now it was only Jimin and him.


Double update!!

And geez the YoonKook feels rn... *sigh* I ship them too hard tbh... Anyways, I had to keep myself from saying Jungkook loved him in a not brotherly way.

But I got a book about YoonKook in my drafts so I am good lol

Ok so yeah only two more members to go, geez why did I decide on individual chapters for all of them? Idk anymore...

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