Chapter Twenty-Five

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          "Why do you need a hacker anyway? I'm getting better at my Technoid ability," Tayla said

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          "Why do you need a hacker anyway? I'm getting better at my Technoid ability," Tayla said. "If you gave me a chance I know I could help."

Ash dug through a tub full of electronic components, pulling a few out and stuffing them in a bag. She frowned when she looked at Tayla sitting cross-legged on the carpet.

"How do you know we're looking for a hacker?"

Tayla shrugged. "I've been practicing connecting to the security system here. The other day I managed to get a snippet of you and Corin in the elevator." There was no reason to lie. Not if she wanted to prove she'd be more than a useless sack of flesh.

"Corin isn't going to be happy you're spying on people."

"It's not like I set out to find you, I'm trying to learn how to connect to machines better. I managed to stay in the security system for three whole minutes last night." Tayla beamed. To an experienced Super like Ash, three minutes was nothing. To Tayla, they were everything. "Are you going after Mylar?"

Ash held up a remote, turning it over in her hand. "Yes, the Normie hacker is supposedly the best. He's also guarded the heaviest." She sighed and tossed the remote back into the bin. "Yellow suits have surrounded his place ever since you and Max left."

"So that's why you're scavenging a junk tote for parts? What are you going to do? Throw broken wires at them?"

"No I was thinking of making you a vibrator so you could stop moping around the city because you miss your boyfriend."

Tayla rolled her eyes. "Here's a tip, I can be incredibly annoying."

Ash gasped. "You don't say."

"Basically, you can either tell me what's going on or I can sit here and ask you a billion useless questions. Like what's that in your hand?" She nodded toward the flashlight Ash held. "Is it a lightsabre?"

"Corin doesn't want you involved until you're ready."

"The PC's have my mom. It doesn't matter if I'm ready, I'm already involved. You don't agree with not letting me try, I know you don't."

Ash sighed and put down a broken calculator she'd picked up. "No, I don't. If it were my family, at least family I gave a crap about, I'd do anything to help them. Even if it meant getting myself killed. I think you're welcome to that same right." She sat on the edge of Corin's coffee table, staring at Tayla. "We can't physically get to Mylar, not with the yellow suits watching him. So Corin is going to astral project to him. What I'm doing, is trying to find every day parts that Mylar might have available to him. These parts, when used properly, can create a onetime use particle transporter when connected to his computer systems. It'll also completely fry his system so the transfer can't be tracked, but I think that's a tradeoff he'll be okay with if it means getting away from the yellow suits."

"How is Corin going to project to him? Doesn't he need to at least have seen where he's going once, before he can project to it?"

Ash snorted. "You've actually been paying attention when I talk to you about certain powers."

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