Chapter Twenty-Eight

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          "Anything?" Corin asked when he entered the cubicle in the far back of the makeshift hospital

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          "Anything?" Corin asked when he entered the cubicle in the far back of the makeshift hospital. "What the hell are you two doing?"

Tayla jumped in the wheelchair she sat in, adjusting the tinfoil armor, and removing her foil hat. Ash grinned as she hid her wooden sword behind her back. They'd been locked in an epic duel for the past half hour. Tayla leaned her head back to look at Corin standing with his arms crossed.

She grinned. "Would you believe we're testing the wheelchairs?"

"Those aren't toys," he said. "And you're wasting tinfoil on weapons?"

"Technically armor." Tayla pulled off the tinfoil strapped to her chest, leaving it on the chair. "We were bored."

"You're supposed to be monitoring for Mylar."

"Relax, Corin," Ash said. "There isn't much we can do except stare at a monitor waiting for it to tell us there's an incoming arrival. That hasn't happened. So we dueled. At least I didn't make my sword a flaming sword."

"Only because I wouldn't let you." Tayla tossed a ball of tinfoil at Ash's head. She grinned and batted it away with her sword. "Oxygen tanks plus fire equals bad."

"And to answer you original question Corin," Ash said as she sat in the chair beside the monitor they were supposed to be watching, "No. Mylar hasn't come through yet."

"Dammit. It's been a week. What's taking so long?" Corin leaned against the counter. He pursed his lips, staring at the monitor.

It hadn't changed once in the hours since Tayla joined Ash in the watch. It was a series of horizontal numbers rolling along the screen, climbing higher only to be replaced by more numbers. None of it made sense. There wasn't a single code Tayla could latch onto, even her power couldn't manipulate it. Ash said it was because the numbers would remain random until the particle transporter Mylar was building communicated with it, they'd set it to look out for one set of code and only one set. Mylars. Until then, it was a worthless collection of machinery to them.

"If Mylar can't get through, I still say I can get you eyes in the PC's. Might take me a few attempts but I'm getting better at connecting to the security cameras around here," Tayla added.

Corin shook his head. "No. I want you to continue focusing on that broken down Recruiter we brought to Mrs. Hinley's. You're going to be more valuable to us against them then you will be hanging back here. I need you to be able to control them, that's just as important as having eyes in the sky." Corin straightened up and rubbed the faint stubble on his chin. "Maybe I should go back and see if he's okay or find out the hold up."

"Patience, Corin. Bad things tend to happen when you get impatient." Ash twirled a ring of flames over her fingers. "You said it yourself when I wanted to go storming the castle when you told me what they were really doing to Supers, this is a marathon, not a sprint."

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