Chapter Thirty-One

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          Burnt flesh perfumed the air as Donny continued to press his electrical prod into Max's side

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          Burnt flesh perfumed the air as Donny continued to press his electrical prod into Max's side. Tayla saw the char marks through Max's tattered shirt, the flash of electrical current occasionally seared the fabric. Still Max didn't react. He stood silent, staring at her through the only eye he could open. There was a void where the light used to shine in his pupil.

"Max!" Tayla tried to wiggle free of Darin's arms curled around her waist, his hands still exploring the smooth flesh of her stomach. His previous marks healed by Remy had faded, leaving behind smooth crisscrossing white lines. Tayla hated the feel of his hands against her. Even worse, she hated how he enjoyed the feel of her struggle. He made it a point to pull her as close as possible, ensuring she couldn't miss a moment of his enjoyment.

"Max can't hear you," he whispered. His breath burned against her skin. She knew it wasn't actually burning her, it was an illusion built up in her mind, but it burned all the same.

"What did you do to him?"

"Made him obedient. Same thing we're going to do with you."

Darin licked her ear, gliding his tongue along the outer edge the way one might savor a Popsicle. Tayla balled her fists, willing them to punch against his stomach. They didn't move. Max had full control over her muscles.

"Maxi Pad, why don't you make our girlfriend bark like a dog?" Darin rubbed a hand over Tayla's hair. "Show her the bitch she really is."

Tayla closed her eyes when the thoughts first washed through her mind. It was an urge, a desire building like a flame in the deep recess of her mind. She bit on her lip, demanding her mouth stayed close. The urge grew stronger until she felt she'd explode if she didn't unleash the bark. Donny pulled his rod away from Max, applauding at the first sound of barking to slip from Tayla's lips. She continued to bark even as Darin thrust himself against her, his hands dangerously close to the forbidden fruits of her breasts.

"I'm going to kill you," she muttered between her barks.

Darin chuckled. "Oh Tayla. When I'm done with you, you'll beg me to pleasure you."

"Pervert." Tayla narrowed her eyes and focused on the rod in Donny's hands. "That's a nifty toy you have there. Allows you to use your power instead of being a useless toad without your brother, right? Rather pathetic don't you think? That you're so desperate to compensate for the lack of something in your pants that you need a hard rod to feel like a man."

"Trust me, I'm lacking for nothing."

"I don't know. You're pressing me awfully hard against yourself and yet I feel nothing but a tiny prick."

Darin spun her around, gripping one of her wrists hard and bending it behind her. He pulled her close before covering her mouth with his. She tried to pull her head away, tried to kick him in the groin, break free, anything. Instead, she opened her mouth and kissed him back. Her body wasn't in her control, her kiss wasn't her desire, yet she kissed him anyway. She accepted the disgusting excuse for a human being and everything he wanted.

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