Chapter Twenty-Six

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         Corin shook his head when Tayla showed off her ankle tattoo. Her green numbers swirled in the pattern of a Phoenix spreading it's wings, flames trailing beneath its tail feathers.

"I figure it's fitting. Matches what I see when I use my power, and shows my life being reborn. Reborn to what, who knows, but it's still new."

"Danika is going to kill me. Not only should you not be here in my lab, but now you're tattooed, something I know she would be against."

"I think it's cool," Ash said. She sorted through a pile of electronics including the ones she'd had in her bag.

"You're a bad influence."

"No shit, Sherlock." Ash winked to Tayla.

Tayla laughed. She didn't know quite what to make of Ash. At least right then she was a welcomed friend. It almost made her forget about the pain of missing Max. Almost.

She wandered around the small squared off lab, one in a serious of identical cubicles inside a massive warehouse. Walking through the sliding metals doors was like walking into a busy hospital. Supers, young and old, lay on gurneys with bright orange liquid dripping into their arms from saline bags. Doctors scurried around, checking charts or examining things under microscopes.

"So is this a hospital?" Tayla picked up a metal clipboard hanging on the end of the counter in Corin's cubicle.

"In a way, yes. We have five warehouses like these instead of the traditional high-rise hospital you see in the above ground cities. A lot of our Supers are gravely wounded when they come to us, makes it difficult to have multiple floors when there's so few doctors available." Corin pulled the clipboard away from Tayla. He placed it in a drawer, locking it after he closed it.

Tayla crossed her arms and leaned against the counter. Ash winked at her again, but continued to sort through her piles of electronic gadgets and circuit boards. It was obvious she wasn't going to involve herself in a fight between Corin and Tayla. If Tayla was going to be allowed to help in any planning, it was going to be a fight she had to win on her own.

"I'm going to be frank with you, Corin. While you might biologically be my uncle, you're not my uncle. Thus you really get little authority over me. When you go after the PC's, I'm going with you. You only get a say in how I go with you, not if I go. Either you take me with you, or I be a stubborn moron and go alone. Which is more dangerous?"

"We don't even know which HQ Danika is in. She might not be in Eden City any more, most of the research is done in Unity City. If I were a betting man, that's where I'd say she is."

Tayla shrugged. "I realize that. But Eden City is where you're going first, so that's where I'm going first."

Corin sighed. "You are as stubborn as your mother. Tai wouldn't take no for an answer either when it was something she really wanted or thought was right."

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