Chapter 1 (Zain and Malik)

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"Okay,this is it Zain. You'll be a married woman tomorrow,you'll be Malik's lawfully wedded wife. Wife,oh my God! Unbelievable. I will be called with the title Mrs tomorrow and then i will leave my parents' home and go start another life right from the scratch with someone else. I love him but it's scary, marriage may be something but staying married  and working hard to make sure everything works is something else entirely. I really hope and pray that i will be strong enough to do this ".
Shaking her head vigoriusly, a habit she has adopted to ward off thoughts from her head especially when she overthinks. Tomorrow will be her nikah (wedding day) and to say she was nervous is an understatement of the century. Zainab has been restless for the past few days ever since the wedding week arrived. From visiting her stylist for her adorable classy wedding gown,to going for henna design, making her hair,calling in the wedding planner and decor designer not to mention about going to and fro like a bee to the caterers to make sure enough food have been reserved for her friends and colleagues coming to the wedding. Gosh she really wants to make her wedding perfect and the talk of the town and ofcourse big social media wedding pages especially Instagram. Oh ofcourse ever since their engagement,instagram has been flooding with their engagement shots,pre wedding shots and ofcourse they'll definitely be a hot trend on their wedding day.
She barely gets enough sleep and she gets headaches almost everyday as a result of stress.  Ah talk about being the bride and at the same time wanting everything about their wedding to be perfect and every girl's dream wedding.

Malik,the groom to be on the other hand wasn't left behind. Eventhough he happens to be a very simple down to earth person, he doesn't really fancy too much crowd at events talk more of the idea of a big wedding, but it wasn't his wedding alone. And he thought that considering almost every girl has a dream of a big beautiful wedding on her special day,he has sacrificed and gave in to Zain's dream wedding,ofcourse he'll do anything to make their wedding special for her,afterall she deserves every good and beautiful thing in life and he's so ready to give it all to her.
He feels so accomplished by having her as his wife to be. Yeah he too like his bride to be Zain has been busy all through the week from calling up famous wedding photographers, to his personal designer,and being with Zain all the time to support her and being protective. Talk about exercising the husband's role even before the nikah.
Luckily for both of them they've taken some months off from their work places for their wedding preparations,the wedding and even their honeymoon.

Malik and Zainab,been the couple in love  always seem to not get enough of each other,when they're not together, their either texting on whatsapp, on phone call, or face time showing their affection publicly on twitter or instagram timelines to whoever cared to know... or whatever to show the world they're two people who are so in love with each other and ofcourse soon to be husband and wife.

Now tomorrow's their big day..., the d-day,the day that their fates will be sealed together and they will be together as one. After that day,they will laugh together,cry on each other's shoulders, give support to one another and be the ladder to lean on to each other.  After all the restlessness, it's the wedding tomorrow. Both of them went to bed after a long tiring day thinking of each other with their hearts full of happiness and ofcourse anxious of how the big day will turn out to be.

The lie in my marriage (EDITING)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon