Chapter 45 (Far and away)

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Salam hello #TLIMMsquad. *group hugs. It's just so amazing how far we've come together all through TLIMM and i want to use this opportunity to give my thanks to all of you who read,share,vote and comment all through. Thank you so much beautiful people. A special shoutout goes to the amazing (@nirdini) for being the first commenter on the previous chapter. Here goes chapter 45 i hope you'll like it eventhough things are becoming rough and complicated between Amal,Malik and Zain.

It's been two weeks since Zain left him,she still hasn't said a word to her parents about her reason for leaving her matrimonial home and her parents never asked her,atleast not now seeing how disheveled and out of place she was. The day she came,she practically barged into their home with her suitcases barely after 10am when they were having breakfast. She still had the vivid image of their suprise stuck faces. The moment her father asked why she was there,that was when it all dawned on her and everything came crashing as sobs began to escape her. She broke down right in front of her parents making them wonder what made her that upset. Her parents both held her at arms length with both of them at her sides as they helped her into her old room and settled her on the bed urging her to get some rest first. She was in dare need of a good sleep and a warm shower but she has got way too much on her plate to even think about either showering or sleeping. She has made sure to disconnect all her lines because she needed time for herself now and moreover,the last thing she wanted was to have Malik calling her. She had seen his note earlier the morning before she left telling her that they needed to talk,not that she wasn't curious to hear about what he wanted to talk to her about but she knew damn well she will not be able to stand him or whatever he wanted to talk about. Even if she had forgiven him she figured out that the damage was too much for them to keep on living under the same roof,space was all she needed from him at the moment if not for the whole of her life.

"Zainab,your father and i would like to have a talk with you after dinner today".
Her mother interrupted her long train of thoughts making Zain jump at the distraction. She was in the living room now with her eyes on some cookery show on the t.v. while her mind was completely off it. She had finally accepted her fate after spending sleepless days crying her eyes out and venting her anger at anyone over petty things which was so unlike her. The other day at office she snapped at her best friend,if not for Munira being the understanding and good friend she is,they would've been in a terrible fight that day but she just hugged Zain and let her cry on her shoulders till she was finished after which she handed her a box of tissues to wipe her face.

Now that it has been two weeks since she came back to her parents' house,she knew a day like this will come when they will demand explanation from her to tell them why she is at their home instead of being at her own home,oops she forgot Malik's home because she can't call that house her home anymore as it's held so many bad memories. She stood on her wobbly legs and got in the bathroom to perform ablution after which she came out and prayed. By the time she finished, it was already time for dinner but she was in no mood to stuff any food in her system. Heck she doesn't even have an appetite at the moment so she waited until her parents have finished with their dinner where she met them at her father's living room. They were watching the news but their expression turned a bit serious seeing her making her way into the room. She quietly sat in one of the leather chairs from across the sofa where both her parents were seated. Sweat suddenly began to form on her body despite the perfect well aircontioner working steadily in cooling the room's temperature. Her father cleared his throat which is a good sign to her that he meant business.

"Zainab,your husband came here some days ago. Your mother and i told him it wasn't a good time to communicate with you as you haven't been yourself ever since you came here as such we never bothered to pressure you into telling us whatever it is that made you leave your husband's home. So Zainab, what exactly is the reason behind you leaving your husband's home and staying here for about two weeks now?".

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