Chapter 48 (The aftermath)

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Salam hello #TLIMMsquad hope we all good...
First off a huge amaazzzingg shout out goes to the gorgeous  (@ayushh) for being the first commenter on the previous chapter. Thank you lovely i appreciate you and every other reader of TLIMM. If i start to write how amazing you all are i will definitely not be able to continue with this story. Lol but seriously i love you all and really appreciate your untiring support.
Here goes chapter 48.

Her eyes fluttered open trying to adjust to the light in the room. She was wondering where she is and why she is laying and feeling like she's on the top of some mountain, but that would be a story to tell later as she felt the stiffness in her back accompanied by a pounding headache which feel like there's a loud banging party in her head with big drums beating. She let out a groan holding her head in the palm of her hand that she just noticed had a cannular attached to her wrist.

"Amal,you're awake.. i should call the doctor. Be right back".

She turned her stiff neck to the direction where the voice came from and saw Hafsah leaving the room in a haste. She opened her mouth to call her back into the room but her mouth felt completely dry and worst of all her tongue felt like it's been tied up to prevent her from speaking a word.

Her brain began to juggle up so many thoughts as why she is in this room. Maybe she hit her head and had a concussion?  Maybe a car had run over her? Maybe she slippef on the floor and fell face first?
The questions kept on coming non stop as she looked all through her body to check for any possible injuries to confirm that she had an accident and ended up in the hospital bed. Worst of all she was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday that she couldn't help but gag at the possible thought that she hasn't showered for atleast a long time judging from the sweaty smell she perceived from her body.
"Ewww gross".
She managed to mutter scrunching her face in disgust.

The sound of the door opening took her attention as she averted her eyes to the well dressed doctor walking in with Hafsah behind him. It was then that she noticed Hafsah's gloomy face and ofcourse the puffy red eyes which without any doubt she could tell that she had been crying.

"How are you feeling Amal?"
The doctor,a middle-aged man asked in a kind voice with a beaming smile on his face.

"I feel shitty".
She grumbled almost incoherent as her tongue felt less tied up now but still heavy in her mouth. Wait,did she just swore...? Her mom really hates it when she swears. Why is her mom not even here with her? The events began to crash down her memory making her heart go in a frenzy.

"I will examine you for now to see if you're in a good condition to be discharged later in the day. Another day of being stuck in that bed won't be fun for you i am sure".
The doctor explained as he began to examine her.
Her mind was completely out trying to remember the events that led to her being in this crap. Slowly,bit by bit the memories began to come faded at first but more vivid as they kept unfolding. A shudder ran down her spine and the throbbing in her head intensified as she remembered the ugly truth.
Snatching her hand away from Hafsah's grip,she immidiately ripped the cannular off her wrist and bolted up right. Where she got that energy from,only God knows but she knew she's not supposed to be there right now. No no.. not when her mother is no more.

"Take it easy Amal,i will be done in no time".  The doctor calmly urged her scribbling God knows what on his notepad.
Hafsah held her trembling hand nodding at her to try and keep it together,she obliged and sat down on the bed.
The doctor finished and assured them that she will be discharged later in the afternoon. He left the room with a friendly smile on his face.

The moment he left the room,sobs escaped her as she let out an heart wrenching cry. Even Hafsah couldn't hold it together seeing her friend in a vulnerable situation like that.

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