Chapter 47 (Consequences)

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Salam hello #TLIMMsquad hope all of us are doing great. A huge shout out goes to the amazing (@nadhirahridhwan) for being the first commenter on the previous chapter. 
Enjoy the chapter guys..

"This is just too fuvked up man. I feel bad for you bro".

"I know man. I can't believe i let her slip off my fingers like that. "

Malik and his brother Nai'm were in his home which has become more like a bachelor's home now with things scattered here and there. It's been almost 2 months since Zain left but he still isn't used to the loneliness and emptiness of his home. He no longer have that zeal to come home from work because there was no one and nothing to come home to. Life has been pretty boring and unmoving for him,but he needed to ride anyways. He terribly misses Zain and has managed to get her contact with the help of her friend Munira,but he had called her several times all to no avail as she never attempted for once to answer any of his calls or return any of his messages to her.

When his parents summoned him that day,he went straight to their house from office and the solemn expression they both wore told him that something isn't going right and it's something about him.

"Malik your father in law was here a couple of days ago and we've talked and have reached an agreement. I have reasoned with him to grant Zainab a divorce because as a father, i can't imagine having my daughter living under my roof while tied to the bounds of a man. It's not right islamically,it's either you work things out or go for a divorce and considering how long you took without any meaningful progress,we will have no option but to opt for the latter.

His father's words pierced through him as he remained silent for some minutes. Why would they give up on them? The question kept swerving through his mind. His inner monologue was disrupted with his mother's gentle touch on his shoulders, he looked up and he wished he never looked up at her for she was wearing a disappointed look on her face,with sad eyes an expression he barely see on her always cheery warm face.

"It was your choice to get a second wife Malik,i respect that but it's also Zainab's choice to stay or not. Therefore both of you need to respect each others choices. You'll own up to your decisions and suffer the consequences they might come with. For a whole month, patching things up is proving to be futile,as Zainab never made an attempt to come back to you and you haven't made any attempt to cancel marrying Amal. There has to be a solution Malik. And sometimes the solution is not always in our favour,but still it's much better than endless puzzles so we have to live with it".

His heart dropped after hearing what his parents had to say for he knew that this time,there is no backing out or defiance on granting Zain divorce.
I've officially lost her,he thought from the back of his mind.
Later that day,he drove back to his home with little energy as his world has turned cloudy from overthinking.
He parked his car and felt a void in him when he set eyes on the empty spot Zain usually parks her car while she was there.
The same lonely empty feeling washed over him when he entered the living room. With an exasperated sigh,he tossed his car keys on the coffee table and his suit jacket on the sofa. He wasn't in the mood to make something to eat so he went straight to take a shower and change.
That night, he summoned the courage to take out a piece of paper and a pen as his parents' words from his meeting with them earlier rang through him. It took him alot of writing and crumbling the paper in a ball and tossing it in the bin as a result of lacking the right words to use in writing to her. He finally decided to let all his feelings outpour as he began to write;

I know i have disappointed you,betrayed you,let you down and made you question whether you're good enough or not. The truth is you are more than enough,the kind of woman any man will consider himself lucky to have. Writing this is more agonizing than not having you around,it's more punishing than watching you slip from me,but it's the only thing i have got. I respect that you don't want to live with me anymore and realized how selfish i have been for wanting to eat my cake and have it,for that i will grant you your wish and set you free. It will be better for me to have you away from me and happy than have you near me and unhappy. If you ask me,i never thought that life will bring us to this cross road but here we are unfortunately.  I know you need time to heal from the wounds i have inflicted on you,but i pray and sincerely hope that someday you will find it in your heart the strength to forgive me. I wish you all the very best life has to offer because you deserve nothing less than the best. You've taught me so many things that include loving you unstoppable and unconditionally, Zain we may be far away from each other but i will always love you. My heart will never stop calling out to you until my last breath. It was an immense honour having to be with you at some point in your life and for that i am more than grateful. Thank you Zain,i love you.

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