Chapter 40 (The other woman)

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Salam hello #TLIMMsquad how are y'all lovely beautiful people? 
A huge big fat great shoutout goes to (@veena97ravi) for being the first commenter on the previous chapter. Thank you beautiful i appreciate you a lot😘.
Can't believe we've gone as far as chapter 40.. I'm impressed with myself *pats my own head. Lol
Enjoy the chapter and don't forget to vote,comment and share please.
"Mom please hear me out".

Malik pleaded with his mother who seemed not so interested in hearing whatever he came up with ever since he stepped foot inside her living room.

"Hear you out Malik?  Did you hear yourself?  I already know,you're getting married again right?  Well good for you then. There's nothing you'll tell me that i don't know son".

His mother retorted throwing a glare in his way as she fiddled with the t.v. remote trying to tune in to her favourite station.

Well this is getting harder than expected.

Malik thought to himself seeing the glare his mom threw at him as his shoulders slumped in defeat. But he has promised himself he will not leave his mom's side until she gives him her blessing,so he tried to plead with her again one more time.

He moved closer to her feet on the rug  putting both of his hands on her feet massaging them as he looked up at her with pleading eyes.

"I need your blessings and your prayers mother. You know i can't do this with you sad about it."

She remained silent looking up at her son's fallen face and pleading eyes. Motherly instincts suddenly overtake her emotions making the anger she was feeling towards Malik deflate little by little replaced by a feeling of sympathy on her boy who's now a man. She just cant fathom why Malik would be wanting a second wife now,barely three years after his first marriage.
She has never seen her son as a two women type of man remembering how he used to be so shy of girls in his class way back in his early primary school stages.  As adolesence hit him,he still wasn't into girls in his school,unlike other teenagers he didn't have female friends or any girlfriend of a sort.  Zain was the only one she ever heard of from him and the moment he told her with his father about his intention of marrying Zain three years ago,she knew she was the one. But now that he has the intention of marrying a second wife,she couldn't help but wonder what her son is up to and the reason behind him rushing up like this. Suddenly realization dawned on her and she stared at him questioningly.

"Malik,are you thinking of taking a second wife because Zain is still yet to conceive?"

She asked with slightly narrowed eyes,because apart from this reason she cant seem to find any area where Zain was lagging behind in terms of being the good wife to her son.

His eyes widened at his mother's questioned and he quickly settled his glance on the floor.

"No Mum,it's not because of that. That would simply mean that i don't believe in what Allah had ordained for me."
He responded softly.

"Then tell me why in earth would you choose to hurt her by taking a second wife Malik?!"
His mom retorted clearly aggravated by his lack of reasons to back up his intention of marrying Amal.

"Just remember the pain Zain went through both physically and emotionally when she lost the first pregnancy. You think you're the only one who wants a child? Well let me tell you,you have an amazing woman in your life right now and all you're trying to do is ruin your own life with your own hands by bringing in another woman in as a wife. I am not against it as Islam permits a man to marry even up to four wives,but tell me my son,under what circumstances are you marrying another wife? Do you believe you're strong enough to be fair anf just between them two? And how well do you know the woman you're trying to take in as a wife deem her worthy of being part of this family? I mean for all i know she is just the other woman trying to squeeze herself into your family and there by ruining all you've got".

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