Chapter 11 (The miscarriage)

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"Your progesterone level is becoming low, as such i will prescribe progesterone containing drugs called progestin for you,it will help with the stimulation of the hormone production by your system. And i suggest you stay hydrated all the time,take atleast 8 glasses of water a day. The embryo is in a healthy condition for now but the more your hormone levels drop,it will affect it's implantation which might lead to ectopic pregnancy or even early miscarriage." The lower abdominal pains you feel like cramps are as a result of implantation,some women experience a little bleeding known as spotting,while some do not experience such."
  The doctor explained as he writes down notes on the prescription sheet.
Zainab and Malik came to the hospital for ultrasound scanning and Zainab has been complaining of mild abdominal cramps for some days now.                        
They're at the hospital now after isha prayers to see the doctor as Malik has booked for their appointment.
Malik held Zainab's hand from underneath the table,he could see how tensed she's become ever since the doctor mentioned her hormone levels dropping and risk of miscarriage.
They bought the prescribed drugs at the pharmacy and headed home.


"I'm becoming scared,this whole pregnancy is becoming a challenge for me,i just pray i don't end up losing it"
Zainab uttered.
She's being having mixed feelings, palpitations ever since they got back from the hospital.  She's becoming worried about her health as well as her baby's well being.

Malik sat facing her,held her shoulders and averted his gaze at her,he's so concerned about how worried she's becoming and the last thing he wants is to see her getting more worried by the day.

"Stop being paranoid Zain,just put your trust in Allah. He makes everything work. And Allah doesn't burden a soul beyond what it can bear. I know this is all new for you,it is for me too and the more scared i see you become, the more worried i get too. I just want you to know that you are not alone in this. I'm here,everyday and will always be,we are in this together. So please i need you to worry less,you'll be okay after taking the medication by Allah's will. Stay strong my love,for you,for me and for our child."

She knew she'd cry,she's becoming more and more emotional these days and she hates it. She felt his fingers brushing away the tears running from her eyes.

"I pray i stay strong for us Malik... i pray" she said between sobs.

"Shhhh" he hugged her whispering comforting words in her ear. She hugged him back like her life depended on him.

"Why don't you change while i go make you some tea to help you relax, you take it and then get some sleep" he said looking at her.

"No you help me change and we go make tea together after which we get some sleep then" Zainab replied more like a question tilting her head by the side.

"Sure your grace" he kissed her forehead.

He helped her change and he changed too and they both leave the room to the kitchen to make some tea for themselves.

They sat at the living room drinking their tea in comfortable silence. Soon they're done and Zainab starts to doze off on the couch with her head on her husband's laps as pillow.  Well that's her favourite pillow she says.
Malik woke her up and helped her into the bedroom.
He came back to the living room to finish watching the network news after which he switched off the tv,locked the doors and joined his wife in bed to sleep.

"Assalamualaikum " he hears a female voice,he knows who the voice belongs to but he  raised his head from his computer briefly to be sure.
"May i come in sir?" She questioned politely.

"Yes you may" Malik answered as he focused more on the screen of his desktop computer. Talk about lowering one's gaze. He wonders what condition her mom is,he felt a little guilty for not asking even on the day she got back to work after the break he gave her.

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