Chapter 24 (Balcony love)

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Salam #TLIMMsquad how are we all? Hope okay. Well here's another chapter and as i promised in the last,a huge shout out will go to the first person to comment. So imma give a huge great big shout out to my girl Lubbatu_Maitafsir for being the first to comment. Thanks for your endless support babe. 😘
Hope you will enjoy the chapter. Btw we still in Vegas. *winks ;) please remember to show some love by voting, commenting and sharing. It means alot to me. Enjoy.


They arrived at the hotel they were supposed to stay in,their rooms have already been booked. As tired as Amal was,she couldn't help the smile that crept on her lips from seeing the beautiful view of the environment and the whole hotel building. The landscape is beautiful,the blooming flowers added to the beauty of the whole place.
"I really hope i get a room not far from yours".
Hafsah spoke poking Amal returning her back to reality.

"Oh i thought we will be sharing the same room".
Amal spoke a little startled.

"Nah girl.. It's a one room thing. All of us have our separate rooms. But if you're scared of being alone i won't mind sharing ".
Hafsah teased.

One of the hotel maids, a pretty blonde came up to them with a polite smile on her face.
"Hello,i am Mary Alice. I will be showing each 5 of you ladies your rooms. Follow me please".

The five ladies followed behind her,they entered the elevator and made it to the 4th floor. They passed through a quiet long corridor before the rooms came into view. Both Amal and Hafsah and the other three ladies couldn't help but look at the place in awe with mouths agape. Truly Amal admired the whole place and even though she's not here on vacation,she plans to use the little free time she gets to relax.
There were five rooms ten rooms on the floor each five facing opposite of each other. Amal and Hafsah chose two rooms adjacent to each other while the other three ladies chose the other three rooms at the opposite direction.

"I do hope you enjoy your stay, your luggages will be brought shotly. And you can just call in on anything you need. We are at your service".

Mary Alice spoke with a little bow as she turned to take her leave.

"Have a good rest ladies,see y'all tomorrow morning ".
Hafsah chirped as she made her way into her room.

Amal and the rest of the ladies bid each other good night as they entered their rooms.

Amal felt the cool air of the room hit her as she stepped on the soft carpet laid down on the floors of the beautiful cosy room.
She had mentally planned to take a warm bath then take some tea before she sets to sleep on the luxurious middle sized bed. Shortly after, she heard her phone ringing. Curious as to who it might be,she took it out of her bag. It was Hafsah,with a smile she answered.
"Your luggage is here young lady.. And OMG... i love my room,it's jawdroppinly gorgeous. How do you like yours?"

"I'll come get it now,and by the way i love my room too. It's so cool,can't wait to sleep in".
Amal answered not as energetic as Hafsah due to how tired she was. She wondered where Hafsah has got all her energy from.
She ended the call and opened the door to find her suitcase at her doorstep. She pulled it in and got ready to get into the shower. She called in and ordered some tea with some muffins. That's the only meal she could have at that time. She closed her door and began to take off her scarf. She pulled her shoulder length hair up in a high messy bun,wrapped her towel and got into the shower. The warm water was so welcoming and soothing which made her stay a little longer in the shower.
She came out of the shower wrapped in a robe. Just in time,the maid came in with her order and she opened her door to let her in. She changed into her pajamas and hanged the towels to dry. She climbed into bed with her cuo of tea and plate of muffins as she began to chew on them. She finished up and got ready to sleep,just then the thought of him washed throcugh her. They haven't really spoken that much for the whole of today. She took her phone out and started contemplating whether to call,text him or not. It was in the midst of her thoughts that she fell asleep with her phone in her hand.
At 4:30 in the morning,Malik stirred in his bed to the empty side. He misses his wife a lot. He's so used to sleeping and waking up with her by his side. He sat up and rub the sleep out of his eyes as it's almost time for subh prayers. He walked into the bathroom,purified himself and performed ablution. He walked back into the room,spread his praying mat and changed into more presentable clean clothes for prayer. He offered two voluntary rakaats before the full time for fajr reaches. He stayed seated on the praying mat saying some supplications. Soon the time for fajr prayer reached and he stood up and prayed the obligatory subh prayer. After that,he went straight into the bathroom to take his bath as it's going to be a long day today with the seminar they're to attend and the workshop classes that'll commence later in the day.
He finished up and dressed in a dark grey button down shirt and blue jeans ,took with him all the things that he would need and set out to the cafetaria for some breakfast. Preferably a cup of coffee first.

The lie in my marriage (EDITING)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ