Chapter 17 (Silent feelings)

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"You have a meeting by 1o'clock in the afternoon sir after which I'll brief you on the progress of the fundraiser planning committee as of yesterday ".

Amal came into Malik's office to inform him about his meeting. She has noticed how he has been avoiding talking to her and not letting her into his office,he talks to her through the intercom on anything involving work. Not that they've always been close,but he's keeping more distance from her than ever and he barely speaks to her if not for something extremely necessary.

"Shift the meeting to 1:30,i need to pray zuhr before getting into any meeting ".
He spoke without glancing in her direction. His eyes were glued to his computer ever since she came in.

"Yes sir". She muttered still standing.

She couldn't get her feet to move or even walk,she stood there like a planted tree.

He raised his head from the computer and his gaze coincidently fell on her standing form. Wondering what she's still doing he questioned "will there be anything else?" Drawing his eyebrows together trying to keep it as official as possible.

She felt so uncomfortable and self conscious with his eyes trained on her   while she stands there like a mannequin. She finally gathered the courage to speak up in a low voice almost like a whisper because her confidence was nowhere to be found. She wished his eyes were still glued to his computer.

"No,everything's cleared sir ".

"Well then that's settled,you can go and continue with your work".

Malik spoke motioning to the door with his hand.

"I know it's not my place to ask and I'm sorry if it may put you off,but you've been so distant lately. I just hope everything's okay with you".

Amal found herself saying stuttering due to her nervousness.
  What she just said took him off guard. Well,this young lady never ceases to amaze him, why is he even stuck with her now? He thought to himself.

"Everything is fine. Thanks for asking, you may go now". He waved her off.

She wasn't satisfied with what he said,but then again you can't make people tell you about what's in their minds. Besides this is her boss what was she even thinking..? She suddenly felt stupid and embarrassment washed over her.
She reached the door and twisted it's knob to sheepishly go back to her office when his voice distracted her making her turn in his direction.

"For the record Amal,you are here to work not babysit me. So please stop with the "Everything's okay?" questions".

She had never felt so embarrassed and pushed away in her whole life like today,she hated herself and felt so stupid. She nodded at him and made her way out to her office.

Malik felt so bad and crushed,he saw the embarrassment and hurt clear in her face. He really didn't mean to hurt  her like that,but he had to. Despite that he had been avoiding her recently,some part of him was happy that she came up in his office today.  Everything is becoming complicated for him now,he can't figure out or translate what he feels towards Amal,that's the reason he's been keeping away from anything that has to do with her,to the extent of her noticing it. Amal has become a mystery that he can't solve out,he doesn't understand anymore but what he's sure about is he doesn't want to go by the silent feelings his heart is giving him about her. Because that would be his undoing,many things will go into jeopardy including his marital life. And he's not certain if Amal is worth taking that kind of risk,so he'll do everything in his power to supress those feelings and keep Amal out of the picture and out of his mind.

Amal sank in her chair,still embarrassed,she blamed herself for trying to cross her boundary. It is surely her fault with her big mouth,if she had kept quiet she wouldn't have been through all that crap.
She heard her phone ring from her bag,she dipped her hand and fished it out. Not that she's in the mood to amswer any call or reply to texts now but the unsaved number that called got her curious and made her answer the call.

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