Chapter 14 (Recovering)

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Ahle guys, I'm in a good mood today,so here's another chapter.
A huge shout out to my good friend  Lubbatu_Maitafsir for being the first person to comment on the previous chapter.  Eventhough her comment was a kinda idk... lol. Let's see what this chapter comes with. Happy reading.
#TLIMMsquad. ❤💕


Malik was almost late for subh prayer the next day. He quickly got out of bed,entered the bathroom and perform ablution in a haste a little grumpy that he didn't make it in time to join the congregational prayer in the mosque. If Zain was here,she would've woken him up,he thought.
"I miss her ".
He grumbled to himself as he spread his prayer mat on the tiled floor of the bedroom.

After praying,he went straight into the bathroom to take a shower as he doesn't want to be late for work.

He got out of the shower,dried himself with a towel and started to dress up. He went to the kitchen and brewed his coffee from the coffee maker. While the coffee was brewing,he opened the fridge and took out a bottle of orange juice and chugged it drinking the juice straight from the bottle. If Zain was here she would definately scold him into using a glass to drink instead of drinking straight from the bottle. He smiled at the thought of Zain. He's really missing his wife physically, mentally,psychologically... heck in every aspect one may think of. He misses her badly. He placed the bottle back into the fridge and poured himself some coffee. Sat at the dining table with his coffee in one hand and phone in the other checking through his twitter timeline. Early morning coffee is just the best way to start a day for him. He wonders who drinks more coffee between him and Zain.
Soon he finished up and set out to leave for work. He switched off the appliances and locked the doors,entered his car and drove out. First,he'll go to the hospital to see Zain,then go to the office. It's becoming a routine for him.

He arrived at the hospital shortly,not many people are at the hospital as it's very early in the morning.  Only the janitors cleaning the hospital premises and nurses on duty were at the hospital at that time with some very few patients.

He greeted with the nurse on duty,an elderly woman about in her late forties.

"Mrs Zainab is awake now,she has been transferred to the amenity block,come I'll show you her room". The nurse spoke in a mothetly tone.

Malik followed the nurse,they walked in silence till they reach the room where Zain is.
"Here,i think she's sleeping though,but you may enter".
The nurse said smiling at him as she walked back to her work.

"Thank you ma'am !" Malik said a little loud as she has already turned her back,she waved him off with a smile.

"You're welcome son!" She responded with a tone matching his.

He pushed the door open,and walked in. The room was silent and warm. Zain was sleeping peacefully,he could see that she's indeed recovering well because her face is not too pale,and her lips are not ashy only that they've become dry. Her breathing was steady with her chest rising and falling gently as she breathes in and out. He moved close to the bed and held her hand,he kissed both of her hands thanking Allah for healing his Zain.

"Zain,i missed you... It's been horrible without you around".
He whispered as he kissed her forehead.

He felt her stir a little to adjust her sleeping position. He helped her by adjusting her pillow and resting her head on it.
Suddenly her eyes began to flutter open,but she quickly shut them  because of the light facing her direction.

"Zain,you're up...  I'll shut the light off now".
Malik stood up and shut down the light making the room a little dark. He came back and sit by the bedside holding Zain's hand. Her hand felt dry in his palms.

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