Chapter 28 (Acceptance)

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Hey #TLIMMsquad how we all? Hope you've had a great weekend. How was the previous chapter? Well many of us are already guessing what would happen in the next chapter, but let's wait and read it together. A huge shout out goes the user with the name of (k19amjad) for being the first commenter on the previous chapter. Enjoy lovelies. 😘

As much as she tried to compose herself,she just couldn't get to it. Her legs were literally shaking as she tends to stumble on her step as she walked. Her mind kept going through a zig zag puzzle of thoughts about what he might want to talk to her about. Her phone vibrated in her hand causing her to jump of a little bit from her thoughts. It was him again calling,with her sweaty hands she amswered the call and put the phone to her ears.
"I'm at the cafe Amal. If you're not free to come up there it's okay then,don't stress yourself ".

He spoke. His voice felt somewhat strange to her,or maybe it's because of the state she's currently in that's why.
"I am on my way there. Will meet you in a few".
She responded fanning herself with her free hand in an attempt to curb off the tension she was feeling at that moment.

"Alright then. Thank you ".

He responded as the both hung up and the line disconnected.

About two minutes later,she came to the entrance of the cafe. With a single glance,she spotted him. He was sitting with his back facing the door. She walked to the table trying as much as she could not to let her shoes make sound against the tiled floor.
"Assalamualaikum "
She said as she approached the table which made him instantly turn his head in her direction.
He stood up from his seat and draw out the chair for her to sit.

"Thank you". She muttered

"You're welcome ". He said with a small smile.

They both didn't say a word for the next 2 minutes. Malik cleared his throat and spoke making her stomach contents somersault.
"You're tensed, relax a little".

He said in a gentle manner.

"No I'm not". She protested putting up a smile that seemed more like a forced one in an attempt to look relaxed which did a good job at revealing how tensed she was. Ofcourse she was tensed beyond words.

"We can't talk if you're not relaxed, maybe i should order some hot chocolate for you to calm your nerves".

"I'm good really". She stated looking down at her intertwined hands fiddling with the gold ring on her middle finger.

"I'm sorry for making you feel uneasy like this and for making you skip from the event to attend to me".
He said apologetically.

"Not a problem ". She responded with a nod of her head.

He still insisted and ordered a cup of hot chocolate for both of them,not that he's much of a fan but it'll be better not to take coffee at that hour. She sipped a little from it's hotness immidiately spread through her system warming her up making her feel less tensed and a little relax.

"See i told you it'll do the magic,you're less tensed now".
She chuckled as he cleared his throat making her to gather her attention and focus on what he wanted to talk about. She really prays it's not something bad with the way her heart is thumping in her chest right now,she might have a heart attack.

"So Amal,i don't really know where to start from,or how it started. You know ,while we're busy doing other things and trying to achieve some goals,life actually happens. I believe there's a reason for every person you meet on earth,and things just don't happen out of blue,they always happen for a reason. I had always appreciated and admired your effort and enthusiasm to your work. We're getting to two years of working together and everyday i get to see the burning passion with which you do your job, and that's abolutely amazing. You have been very a hardworking, strong,dedicated, smart and intelligent person to work with. "

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