Chapter 44 (Shattered)

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Hey salam TLIMMsquad how are we all?  A huge big fat great shoutout goes to (@k19amjad) for beinb the first commenter on the previous chapter. Thank you lovely i appreciate.  Here goes another chapter guyyss.. ILY ❤
Malik couldn't place how he felt in his heart at that moment after Zain's revelation. He couldn't believe his wife went through so much while he was barely aware of it. He was angry at her for not telling him and more angry at himself for being oblivious of her pain. He couldn't stand at her sight all broken and shattered as sobs escaped her lips while he himself was broken at the moment. Maybe the both needed time for themselves for he has realized now that their problem is not only his decision to marry Amal,but the problem lies in many secrets Zain held from him,she bottled up what was happening to her all by herself and it frustrated him more as he stepped more on the gas pedal speeding on the almost empty road without knowing exactly where to go.
He let out a frustrated groan as he held the steering wheel tighter in his hands. He needed to face his own problems for running away from them is not a solution right now.
He thought to himself as he turned his car to drive back home.

He stopped the engine and stepped out of the car feeling exhaustion taking over him. He locked the gate and trodded into the living room,dropping his keys on the small coffee table, his eyes widened at the sight before him. It was Zain's sleeping form curled up on the rug,she looked fragile and vulnerable.
He squatted close to her and his heart twisted upon seeing her tear stained face. She was shattered as much as he was at the moment too. Scooping her up in his arms bridal style,she squirmed a little in his hold and for a second  he thought she was going to wake up but her eyes remained shut so he began to walk into her room.
He dropped her gently on the bed being careful not to wake her up.
He kissed her forehead and pulled the covers on her switching off the light as he made his way out closing the door behind him.

He walked back to his room changing into a pair of sweat pants and a tank top but he was no where near feeling any  sleepy eventhough he was physically and emotionally drained. How can his world come crashing like this in just a matter of days...? Will it get any better or worse? So many questions kept nagging his mind throughout the sleepless rough night he had.


"Maami take these pills please,they're painkillers which will supress the pain".

Amal passed the small pills in her hands with a glass of water to her mother watching her intently with a worried expression marring her face.

"I am tired of taking these pills Amal. I don't know which of them gives me overall body weakness but i don't like their after effect".
Her mother replied meekly looking away not attempting to take the pills from Amal's hands.

"Please Maami,take your medication. The doctor prescribed them for a reason and i will make sure i tell him about the side effects tomorrow when we visit for our next appointment ".

Amal persuaded her mother finally,she reluctantly took the pills from her and swallowed them after which she gulped down some water.

Her mother has been very sick lately,they went to the hospital and the doctor confirmed that her blood pressure was really high and at a danger level because it has shooted the normal range. Amal had been very  worrisome and gruesome seeing her mother in such condition. Even while her mother was pretending to be okay,Amal knew better than that because she was far from being well as she has lost alot of weight and was becoming weaker and weaker everyday,almost close to entirely bedridden.
Amal got in the room to dress and get ready for work not really in a good mood. Staring at her reflection in the mirror,she couldn't resist the urge to cringe at her image. Her eyes were dull and worry was clear on her face. She dressed in a plain chestnut coloured gown with a pair of flats and tucked her hair back in her wrapped scarf. She grabbed her bag and took her phone from the dresser briefly looking at the time on it. She remembered they hadn't talked with Malik throughout the weekend,she had been so caught up in her own problems that she barely took her phone the whole weekend. Seeing that there wasn't any missed call or unreturned messages,she stuffed her phone back in her bag and headed out.

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