Chapter 49 (Revelations)

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Hello have you been?
Here goes chapter 49. Hope you enjoy. Before i forget,a huge shoutout goes to (NadhrahRidhwan) for being the first commenter on the previous chapter. Thank you and i so much appreciate the support from you and  every ardent reader of TLIMM.

Amal shut her eyes tightening the grip on her phone as some hot tears made their escape from her eyes. The days have been nothing less than an emotional torture to her. The e-mail she just received is a line between leaving everything behind and starting afresh or letting all her sufferings beat her to the lowest. At this moment,she is indecisive of what to do but she wants just anything that will make the nagging pain in her heart to go away. Some fresh set of tears streamed her face at the mere thought of her being on her own now,at this critical stage of her life when she needed her parents most to help her in making the decisions that will mould her future,she has no one and as much as she wants to push that thought aside and pull on with her life,she can't help but mull over not having her parents around.

With a sigh,she dragged herself into the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for work mentally thanking God that Mahmoudjunior is currently staying with her Aunty. She took him with her after staying with Amal at their house for some days. She got out of the shower and dressed up in a haste as she was almost running late.
She only managed to eat a slice of bread and gulped it down with a half glass of orange juice. Her appetite has been long gone as she can't remember the last time she's had a decent meal. She grabbed her bag and the house key locking the door behind her as she stopped the taxi she was lucky to find after stepping out.

Things are pretty normal as they used to be in the office. Malik brought her some coffee as he usually does and she couldn't help but feel bad at how he looks more and more wretched everyday,the pain he is going through visibly showing on his face. She mentally cringed at the thought of his reaction when she tells him about the email she received earlier in the morning,not that she had made any decision yet about the email though.

"Hey,you okay there? "

His question brought her out of her trance as she formed a small smile tilting her head up to look at him.
"I am okay. But you don't look okay Malik,care to tell me what's going on with you?".
She stated worry lacing her voice.

"I am fine Amal. Besides you have a lot going on and the last thing i want is throwing my baggage on you".

"No you're far from fine Malik,and you need to let others help you. You can't keep it bottled up inside you all the time. Let me be there for you,please".

Her words got to him and he began to conflict with his inner self whether to tell her all his mind or not. He doesn't want to hurt her and most of all add up to her problems. He finally spoke in a strained voice.

"It's just,this whole divorce is taking it's toll on me. No matter how i try to work things out i end up messing eveything more. Zain hates me now and i am talking about real hatred and resentment and my worst fear is she is better off without me. I can hardly keep things going now,i feel destroyed every day i go back to an empty home,sleep alone and wake up alone knowing that my wife or now ex wife is not too far away from me yet i can't afford to be any where close to her now. The solitude is getting it's hang on me and it's breaking me bit by bit".

They remained quiet after he finished speaking and he began to regret opening up about his problems to her.

"Look,i am really sorry Amal about saying all these. You're not suppose to hear it all. I will get to the bottom of it maybe not now but eventually".

Amal raised her eyebrows in disbelief.
"Are you really apologising to sharing something about yourself with me? Please don't be. I haven't experienced a divorce yet but i know what it feels like to lose someone close to you. I know the pain of going back to an empty house everyday,of sleeping alone and waking up all alone. I can relate Malik so i know or maybe have an idea of how you feel".

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