1. Mysterious Guy

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Maahi's pov:

I am from village Shanpur. Since my childhood My dream is to become doctor but in our families girls are not supposed to work. Their is only one goal for us that is to get married. My parents fixed my marriage when I was of mere 10 days to my father's friend's son. I have never seen him. I only know his name 'Maan khan'. We don't even know where they are but still my dad believes that I will get married to him. My life is full of restrictions. My life decisions were always taken by others. I wish I get freedom to live my life as I want.

I completed my studies in girls school and college. My whole life I am surrounded by only three men. One my Dad..two my brother.. Three my cousin Asad on whom I had huge crush. I get little nervous being around men but I have to overcome my fear as now I got seat in Mumbai's best medical college. My father is very strict and traditional and my brother Aneekh never disobeys him. He loves me but can never go against dad for me or anyone.

My father was so reluctant about it but suddenly yesterday he told me that I can join in college and he will take me there but only after we meet our relatives who live in Mumbai.

When we got to my relatives house. The lady smiled looking at me and greeted us. The way she was accessing my every moment felt really weird. I am feeling so consicuous.

She said, "You have grown so beautiful.."

I nervously smiled and said, "Thanks"

She said, "I am Maan's mother,
Ayesha Khan"

I was shocked we are in Maan's house.

She told us to sit. I saw one guy was standing at door and pacing left and right. He looked tensed. Is he Maan?

He is handsome actually very handsome. His eyes are so electrifying blue which is very rare to find in India. He looks familiar. I have seen him somewhere but where?

We sat on sofa. Dad and Aunty started reminiscing the old days. I felt bored.

I heard door click sound. One man entered holding a girl in his arms. He left to upstairs after some time he returned alone and joined us.

Aunty said, "Maan this is your dad's friend, Sahir wasl. His son, Aneekh wasl. His daughter Maahi wasl. "

He said, "Assalamwalikum"

I replied, "Walaikumassalam"

Dad said, "You have become a man now. When I saw you last time you were a small kid."

Who is he? Is he Maan..? I looked around but that guy who was standing at door was not there anymore. Where he went?

Aunty said, "We are thinking that no need of engagement. We will directly get you both married in two days. We will have simple wedding only with few people present"

What? Marriage in two days? What about my college? I am just 18 how I can get married now?

Tears started forming in my eyes. It's not like I don't know this is going to happen but I never expected it to happen this soon. In two days getting married to a stranger is worst nightmare.

That guy said, "Whose marriage?"

Ammi said, "Your and Maahi 's"

So he is Maan. He is also handsome but I like the spark in the eyes of the other guy. Huhh...? What I am thinking? I lost my mind in shock.

Maan stood up from his place and said, "I am already married and I don't want to get married again."

He is married? I felt relieved but still it hurt a little. Why not? My whole life I was deprived from doing things just because I am going to be his wife but he got married so easily not even thinking about me for once.

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