Chapter 12

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"J-Jeremy what are you doing here?" Eve asked. For the first time in forever I sensed a bit of fear from her. I frowned and pulled up one of the plastic fold up chairs next to her bed.

"I can asked the same thing to you." I replied monotone. She opened her mouth to say something but then shut it and frowned.

"Jer, There is something I have to tell you." 

We continued walking down the hallway to Abby's room. The kids silently walked behind us, whispering about Abby and the 'friend'. At the corner of my eye I noticed Sky glance at me but I payed no attention to her.

"WHAT?! Who else knew about this?" I yelled in outrage. I may not be her husband anymore but I still care for her.

Eve looked down and started playing with the thin blanket the hospital provided. "Sky knew. She was going to be the kid's new mother when I died." She murmured. My lip quivered and my eyes watered but I pushed back the tears.

"So you and Sky confirmed this without my saying?" I asked. She nodded a little bit. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked her in a more calm matter. She looked up and stared me in the eye.

"What difference would it make." She spoke in a cold voice.

I turned and opened the third door which was Abby's room. "Daddy! Sky! Wyatt! Alyssa!" She squealed happily. My eyes watered and I ran to her bed side and hugged her.

"Honey I am so sorry/1 I forgot you were allergic this is all my fault forgive me baby! I'm really sorry!" I begged her . She looked at me and smiled.

"Its alright daddy! You were my superhero and you saved me!" She giggled I gave her a small smiled and stepped back to let the rest talk to her.

"When are you going to tell the kids?" I asked her after a long moment of silence.

"Well, bring them in today. I better tell them now." She spoke, barely any emotion on her face as she stared at the wall.

"They are going to hate me and Sky you know that right? I mean I know I would if I were in their place." I mentioned. Eve looked at me and smiled.

"They will get over it. Sky is like their best friend now, and your like their superhero. They look up to the both of you. I doubt they will stay mad for long." She spoke.

I frowned."I'm no superhero. I'm the one that forgot Abby was allergic to peanuts and I gave peanut butter to her anyways. That's why I'm here. I'm more of the villain than the hero" I told her. Her eyes widened a fraction but she still spoke.

"Jer, it was a mistake. Sure things might have gotten out of hand but its not like you were trying to kill her. She will forgive you I promise. You took her to the hospital I assume so it does make you a hero."

"Hey honey! how do you feel?" Sky asked Abby. Abby smiled.

"I feel much better! The hospital has magic potion to make everyone feel better!" She yelled enthusiastically. Sky smiled but I knew it was fake. And I knew what she was thinking about.

"Are you sure the doctors can't do anything about it?" I asked, trying to keep my voice from cracking.

Eve shook her head. "They tried everything they can. Its too strong, I'm too weak. Do the same thing I did, except it." 

Everyone got a turn to hug and talk with Abby. The doctor came in soon after. "Hello Mr. Reagan, Abby here is doing great and you can take her home now after you sign these papers.. She still has a bit of swelling but nothing severe so in a couple days the swelling will be completely gone." Dr. Drake said. I nodded and gave him a smile. 

"Thanks doctor." I said. He handed me a paper and I signed it. "Alright buddy, Lets get out of here. But first we need to stop by and see someone." I told Abby. She gave me a curious look.

"Who?" She asked.

"Skylar will explain everything." I said. Sky's head snapped over to me and I rose a brow at her action. It was the first time in forever when I used Sky's full name. I don't know why I am acting hostile to Sky, I just hopped I could have a relationship without lies. 

Sky's eyes held sadness, regret, and disappointment. "Lets go." She sighed. Once Abby was out of her room we headed down a couple familiar hallways till we ended up at Eve's door. Alyssa was the first to notice.

"Eve Mathews, What is mom doing in the hospital?!" She roared. I can't really blame her. She busted the door open and ran to Eve's side. "Mom what happened? Are you okay?" She asked, tears sliding down her face. Wyatt and Abby also ran to her bedside, tears welled up in both their eyes.

"Mommy, are you sick?" Abby asked in a small voice. Eve took her hand and gave her a small smile and nodded.

"Mom what happened? how did you get into the hospital? Did something happen on your vacation? Why didn't we hear about this earlier?" Wyatt asked in a rush. Fear crossed his face.

"Nothing happened. The truth is kids, Mommy-" She sighed as her eyes welled up with tears. "mommy has leukemia." She spoke. The room was silent before Alyssa started weeping and tears streamed down Wyatt's face.

"Luky what?" Abby asked. Although she didnt know what it was she knew it was bad because she was crying as well.

"It's a cancer." Eve explained to her.

"Mom-mommy. But the hospital is filled with magic potions that make everyone feel better." Abby explained knowing what she will say Sky started crying silently. "The doctors will give some to you like they did to me, and you will feel better again right?" Abby asked her. A tear strolled down Eve's eye and before I knew It I was crying to.

"Honey, No magic potion will make Mommy better."



There isn't much to say here. I feel sad myself right now, My heart hurts...Please comment what you guys think of the chapter. Also vote, I mean I think Eve deserves a vote. So do the kids, Imagine if you were in their place, You would want somebody to at least for for the chapter.

And also follow me because I am me....

Was this chapter confusing to read with all the italics or no?

Thank you for reading and thanks for the support!


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