Chapter Two

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Chapter 2


"You two are still together?"

I sigh and set down my glass of pumpkin juice, glaring slightly at Lucius Malfoy, the blondie who asked the question. He always asked me, even though my best friend, Narcissa Black, was his girlfriend, and sitting right beside him. Also, his best friend, Severus Snape, was my brother. Who would've thought I'd get in this situation?

"How does it work--?"

"It's none of your business, Malfoy, how me and my boyfriend are together and have been for the past three years." It was true, me and James Potter have been together since our third year of Hogwarts. I don't know why I was with him in the first place - we were just always partners in Potions in second and first when nobody wanted him or me. I guess two entire years of being stuck together meant we were soul mates, in James' eyes, at least.

"Kathrin, you do know that he's--"

"Looking at Lily Evans. Yes, yes, I know. I know all the rumors. Just because I'm a prefect doesn't mean I hear all those little whispers of lies." I pushed my plate of nearly untouched food away. It was bothering me -- how James always talked about Lily around me, about how beautiful she was, how her red hair was to die for. I flick away a blonde curl from my face.

Narcissa glared at Lucius and crawled under the table to me. She hugged me, obviously knowing I was upset. I sighed and stood. "I'm leaving. Prefect stuff." I said, and set off. I didn't really have prefect stuff to do, but I needed something to clear my head. But what clouded it more was that James Potter uttered something to his groupies and stood -- walking right toward me.

I walked faster into the dark corridor, trying to outrun James. Unfortunately, he caught my arm -- then to it around his neck.

"Kat, what's wrong? I just looked at you and you looked upset." his eyes were strung tightly with worry. Oh, so now he cares about me?

"None of your damn business, now get away-" I barely finished my sentence when James had kissed me again. This time it hurt, but it still made me melt into it and kiss him back. Damn it, I think, wanting but no wanting to pull away, why does he always have to do this?

James finally had pulled away, and I saw somebody staring at us from the large doors of the Great Hall -- Severus. He never knew about James. Well...until now, anyway.


I had barely said a word before Severus had yanked out his wand, pointing it directly at James.

"What have you been doing to my sister, you Gryffindor prat?" Severus spat, his hooked nose twitching with fury. James held up his hands in amused surrender. By amused, I mean he was laughing. Hard.

"I wasn't doing anything. Just kissing my girlfriend. Is that a problem with you, Snapey Wapey?" James smirked carelessly at Severus, raking a hand through his untidy hair.

"G-Girl--?!" Severus now turned to me, but kept his wand pointed at James. "Kathrin, you--?! H-How long?! Why was I never told!?"

I lick my lips and look at my feet sadly. "Sev, I've been meaning to tell you, but--"

"But what? Too busy snogging him that you forgot to tell me, your only brother, that you're dating my enemy?! And a troublemaker, no less! I thought you were a prefect!" Severus wiggled his wand angrily at James as he emphasized 'him'.

I marched towards my brother, who was also as tall as James was. "I didn't tell you because I knew you would try everything you were able to do to try to keep me from him. I'm sorry if I'm happy with who I'm with and what I'm doing with my life." I emphasized anything I could in the last sentence that my life was mine -- not Severus'.

As I turn my back, I feel a sharp pain in my spinal cord. My knees weaken, and I fall, aching all over. I can't look up -- it hurts too much.

"Kathrin! Kathrin!" I hear a boy say, and I recognize it as James' voice. He's also cradling me, trying to help me stand.

"Somebody get Madam Pomfrey!" I hear another voice, and soon realize it is Remus Lupin, the male prefect for Gryffindor and a part of James' posse. It takes me a minute to realize many of the students of Hogwarts are standing around me.

"Somebody get Madam Promfrey!" Remus says again, angrier this time, and more of a bark. He soon comes to assist James in hoisting me up.

"Wh-What..?" I mumble, and James wraps an arm around my waist.

"Kat," James whispers softly in my ear, "Severus put an Unforgivable Curse on you."

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