Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15


Severus POV

I feel ashamed. For the second time this year, I tried to murder my sister - and it had worked.

I held her limp body in my arms. Had it worked? If it did, it wasn't working properly. I could still feel a heartbeat on my fingers as I checked her wrist.

Of all moments, Narcissa and Lucius decided to walk in right then. I bowed my head over my sister's body, watching slow tears splash onto her prefect badge.

"Ka-" Narcissa blinked in confused before her face twisted into utter horror. "KATHRIN!" she bellowed, scrambling over and hugging the body in my arms. I refused to let go of Kathrin's hand.

"Sev..." Lucius muttered and strode over, kneeling down beside Narcissa, who was now sobbing like no tomorrow, and wrapped an arm around her. "Why did you try to kill her?"

"I-I don't know! I just-"

"Y-You don't want her with anybody, do you, Severus?" Narcissa choked out.

I blinked.

I always hated James, and she had dated him for three years behind my back. Then she turns around and starts dating James' best friend, Sirius, and I'm not mad. When I saw her crying...the hell, why did I attempt to kill her?

Lucius shook his blond head and stood, letting Narcissa break down into more sobs.

"We need to get her to Madam Pomfrey."


Severus POV

I couldn't take it in anymore - my sister was in the hospital wing. She had been there about a week and a half now, and she hasn't woken up yet.

I clenched my hand around hers, wanting her to wake up. Yell at me. Punch me. Kick me. I wanted her to move...but she did nothing.

Across the bed I see Sirius. He's been staring at me for the past ten minutes I had been there, and honestly, it was getting creepy.

I sighed deeply. "I admit it. I tried to kill her again." I broke the awkward silence.

Sirius growled and stood, leaning over the body if Kathrin and kissing her cold lips. Of he loved her this much, why couldn't I?

Once he pulled away, Sirius glances at me from behind his shaggy hair. I bite the inside of my cheek. He was so intimidating. Is this why I want him with my sister? Nobody would dare steal her from him.

With the exception of me, of course.

"Severus," he grumbles. That's the first time he - any of the Marauders - used my first name and not a careless nickname.

"What?" I ask lightly, holding my sister's hand. I feel the pulse. Or is that mine?

Sirius sits down as thinks carefully over his words. Finally, he stares me in the eye. Calmly, he says, "I'm sorry."

I'm taken aback.

"For what?"

"I'm sorry for taking your sister after you found out about James and Lily. I'm sorry for taking away the only person who liked you as a person. And..." he gulped and coughed before whispering, "I'm sorry I've been so wrong about you."

"Wrong about me?"

He laughed a little before explaining. "I used to think you were a blood-thirsty Slytherin who wanted to take their pretty sister into hiding because you didn't want anybody to touch her."

We both laughed awkwardly. It was odd, laughing with the boy who had been such a bully to me the past few years.

I feel Kathrin's hand twitch, and her mouth curl up into a smile.

Original POV

I listen as my brother and Sirius laugh. They were actually listening to each other - socializing.

I feel better now that my brother cast the curse on me.

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