Chapter Three

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Chapter 3


I soon awake in the hospital wing - alone. Complete and utter silence cloaks me in a sense of insecurity and somewhat vulnerability.

"Ah," Madam Pomfrey says, ruining the silence I had favored over the endless cries for Severus while I was taken to the hospital wing, "I see you're up, dear. Good, good." she smiles before handing me a cup if something that smells as foul as mud and glue. "Drink up, it's to help you."

I look at her curiously and swallow the medicine. I gag from the taste - it tasted even worse than it had smelled. Madam Pomfrey had her back turned to me.

"Ah, you're lucky the Marauder boys were there," she said casually like it happened every day, "those boys were kind enough to carry you all the way here, even after you passed out."

"I...I p-passed out?" I gulped, suddenly filled to the brim with fear. Madam Pomfrey turned to me and nodded. "Oh yes, you did, dear." she said in concern, "you've been here about...let's see," - she started to count on her fingers - "about three days, at least?"

"At least?!" I say in horror. Three days without me - Narcissa can barely handle an hour without me. "When can I get out if here?" I ask Madam Pomfrey hastily. She makes a 'tsk, tsk' click with her teeth. "Well, certainly not today! Give it another day or so."

"What about my schoolwork?" I ask. Madam Pomfrey laughed, "Dear, you truly expect your teachers to hold it against you for being struck with an Unforgivable Curse?" she lay a hand on my shoulder. "You're going to have make up lessons with your Head of House, don't fret."

Right then, four boys burst through the entrance closest to me - James, Remus, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew were all panting, as if out of breath.

"We-" James started, gulping in air.

"H-Heard-" Sirius continued, but wheezed, hunched over like his comrades.

"That Kathrin had-" Remus now said, but coughed so painfully that I even winced.

"W-w-woken up." Peter finished off, and all four if them dropped. How long have they been waiting for this?

I stood up, but winced and sat on the edge of my hospital bed. Madam Pomfrey went to tend to the boys when somebody familiar came bolting through the door opposite of where the Marauders came in - two some bodies, as a matter of fact.

"Katty!" cried Narcissa before she put me in a head lock of a hug. Lucius came bounding behind her, his wide feet echoing in the room. "Kathrin, good to see you're alright." he smiled and attempted to pry his girlfriend off me - which, obviously, didn't work.


I lay on my hospital bed with James holding my hand. He looked so worried - the first time I've seen him like this.

"James?" I ask quietly, and I feel his eyes burn into my head as he stares at me.

"If it's about Potions, Teach pushed me into it-" he babbled, but I silenced him.

"James, do you know what curse Severus put on me?" I ask the aching question.

James' eyes turn to pure terror. What had Severus done?

"He..." James gulped and looked me straight in the eye. I could feel his anger and fear radiate off him like a fire.

"He attempted to use Avada Kedavra on you while your back was turned."

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