Epilogue - Five Years Later

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5 Years Later

I smile at my husband as I caress the small baby in my arms. The baby sleeps quietly, nuzzling against my upper arm until I lay him down in the cradle.

"Jonathan Gregory Black." whispers Sirius as he hugs my waist. I smile and lean my head against his shoulder.

"He looks just like you, you know." I whisper, and he barks out a short laugh.

"Yes, but he has your beautiful eyes."

I smile as he says this. He was right - our only son did have the facial structure and hair of his father, but under the dropped eyelids, his eyes were the light grey mine were.

I smile lightly. "Wait until he goes to Hogwarts."

Sirius nuzzles his face against my neck. "Don't make me think about that yet, he's barely nine months old."

I smile and pat down my husband's hair. "It'll be all right, Padfoot," I giggle, "as he gets older, so does he."

Sirius grunted - he didn't like admitting he was getting older.

I smile as I walk outside Jonathan's bedroom and drag Sirius along behind me.

"Is your brother coming soon?"

As the words were spoken, a soft knock awoke the moment and I walked over, careful not to disturb the painting of Mrs. Black. I open the door.

"Severus!" I say quietly and hug him. He gladly returns the hug, walking in after I let him go. We're both careful not to disturb Mrs. Black and Sirius and Severus shake hands.

"Severus." Sirius says with a small nod.

Severus returns it with a firm handshake, "Sirius. Where's my nephew?"

Sirius smiles. "If you'd follow me, he just got to a nap."

Severus follows Sirius to Jonathan's bedroom and I sigh in content. My husband...finally, my husband.

I turn around Grimmauld Place and smile, pushing back my blonde hair. I loved this house - apart from Mrs. Black.

I listen upstairs to Sirius and Severus' conversation.

"Jonathan may be a Slytherin," Severus explains.

"Ah, yes, but he may be like me and go against the bloodline." Sirius says gently.

"True. Either way, he'll be amazing in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions. Especially since I will teach either one."

I smile and sit on the armchair in the sitting room beside the fire. I look at the dancing red flames and think of Narcissa and Lucius - they were expecting a baby as well. I wasn't sure about James and Lily - Sirius doesn't let me see any letters from them anymore. I know Alice and Frank are expecting as well. Sadly, my brother hasn't married, but I believe someday a woman will see who he is and will accept him for it.

I love my life. I wanted it with James, but after my sixth year of Hogwarts, I realized it was to be with Sirius. That was what fate had sewn, and I dare not to break its pattern.


Author's Note

HELLO EVERYONE! Nice ending, right? A baby, Kathrin married to a man she loves and hoping her brother will marry as well. Anyway, this is the end! But be on the look out!

I may write a sequel about Jonathan!

But who knows, right?

I hope you enjoyed 'Snape's Sister, His Love' and I hope you will be inspired to write your own Harry Potter story!


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