Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7


I run deeper and deeper into the Forbidden Forest, but my knees buckle and I collapse before I can make it very much farther.


That voice...where have I heard that voice before?


I hear the crumpling of leaves.

I turn, my lungs still aching for air. I see who it is - Amos Diggory of Hufflepuff.

He stares at me for a minute before realization slaps him in the face with a wand. "Kathrin? From Slytherin?" he asks synpathetically. He rushes over and helps me to my feet.

"A-Amos..." I groan in pain. My legs feel like lead and I can barely lift them up. Amos puts an arm around my waist to support my weight. "C'mon, we're getting you to Madam Pomfrey..."

"Wow." I mumble as we start walking.

"Wow what?" Amos asks, flipping some of his blond bangs from his deep, dark eyes. He looked so handsome. "What they say about Hufflepuffs are true," I answer, wincing as my left thigh collides with a tree, "you really are loyal."

"Well, you are a prefect," Amos smiled, amused, "I was worried if I didn't help you, you'd give me detention for traitorism, or something like that."

"You do realize 'traitorism' isn't a real word, right?"

"Well, neither are 'expelliarmus' or 'expecto patronum'." Amos replies. We both laugh and make it to a door of Hogwarts.

"Need me to help you to the hospital wing?" Amos asks, worry stinging his eyes. I nod. "If you'd please."

Amos smiled and helped me to the hospital wing near where we came in. There, he stayed with me and helped Madam Pomfrey many times, telling what he had seen.

"Not very wise to run into the Forbidden Forest, m'dear," Madam Pomfrey 'tsk, tsk's again and bandages up my ankle, which she said I had sprained.

I realize something. "Amos, what were you doing in the Forbidden Forest?"

Amos blinked, but smiled. "I was the one who told Lucius and Narcissa about what Lily had said to Snape," he answered calmly, "I was making sure you didn't get too far into the Forest."

I look away before he can see my dark blush. "You were waiting for me?"

"Well," Amos says lightly, "what would it look like if I was there, but didn't help you? I'd-"

Just then, the tall doors leading into the hospital wing swing open and reveal a person.

"Goodness me," Madam Pomfrey says, turning to the door, "who could-"

All three of us stare at the figure in the doorway.

"Kathrin...oh, Kathrin..."

Severus wanted to see me.

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