Chapter Four

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Chapter 4


I haven't been the same since James told me Severus, my own flesh and blood, my own brother, tried to kill me with the most Unforgivable Curse, Avada Kedavra.

The next day, a Friday, I was let out of the hospital wing. "If I were you," Madam Pomfrey cooed in my ear as she walked with me to the entrance, "I wouldn't try to find your brother. He's dangerous to you now."

I took her advice and refrained from searching for Severus. Narcissa, however, couldn't shut up about the damn bloke. "That idiot...trying to kill his own sister! Not only that, but with an Unforgivable Curse, no less!" she clung to my arm tightly as she said this at dinner that night. Lucius was nowhere to be seen - Narcissa said he had gone to find Severus himself. I barely ate that night - I went into the hallway to find the dorms. Then I felt arms around me. "Ja-"

"It isn't James."

I jumped from the deep, growl-like tone that was talking to me. These arms didn't feel like James' - they were way too buff. I turn and see who it is.

Sirius Black.

Don't get me wrong, it isn't that Sirius isn't good looking - hell, he's damn glamorous his appearance - but his personality is hard to cope with. He's a big time prankster, even more than James. His sense of humor is crude. Sometimes I can't believe he's human - I keep suspecting his flesh to peel off to reveal robotic things underneath.

Sirius smirked and swooped down so his face and my own were fairly close - kissing distance. "You know," he growled, slipping his arms around me more. Damn it, damn it, damn it! "You can get somebody better than James."

"Oh really? Who?" I ask mockingly, pretending to look around for another male student in the corridor. Sirius laughed. Well, it was more of a bark than a laugh.

"Silly girl," he hunched down, kissing my lips roughly. It felt nice. Kathrin! I shrieked at myself. Stop it! He's not your boyfriend, James is!

The sound of a throat clearing itself broke me and Sirius apart. There we saw James, who was glaring at Sirius - and me.

"Care to tell me about...this?" he asked impatiently.

Neither me or Sirius say anything. But soon, Sirius saves both our necks. "Kat was just - er - confused," he lied, "she thought I was you, so she kissed me."

"Well, Kathrin, look for the glasses next time." James said, walking to the doors of the Great Hall.

"Thanks, Sirius." I say, reaching up and kissing his cheek for a thank you. He smiled and waved me away. "No problem. Plus, it's bad enough that you just got out of the hospital wing, I had to save you from another break somewhere."

As he says 'somewhere', he pokes my chest lightly to my heart. I nod and take his hand off. "You better get back to the Hall," I say and turn on my heel in the opposite direction.

"Hey - KAT!" Sirius calls, and I turn around.

He spreads a goofy smile across his fabulous features. "If James ever breaks up with you, I'm always open."

I hope he doesn't see my blush. Before I can reply, Sirius already turns and dashes towards the Great Hall.

I spin around and walk quickly to the Slytherin dorms. Did Sirius really just do that in front of James, his best friend? Why did he do it? He said he'd be willing to be my boyfriend after James, too.

God damn it, Sirius Black, I think, mentally strangling myself, I hate you! Why do you make my love life so complicated?

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