Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 12


Sirius grunted in response to James. "Prongs, you have Lily, why are you intruding on my love life now?"

"Your love life?!" James croaked, and for a brief moment I thought I saw amusement and horror in his shining eyes. I also saw, for a split second, tears. This date...why the hell was it hurting him?

Sirius nodded. "Yeah, mine." he pulled me close to him - I had only just realized we had been standing a foot apart. "You left this one, and I took her. Case closed. Now go away."

"Now hold on," Narcissa said, now glaring at James, "you mean to tell me that you are getting mad at your best friend, who may I say is closer to you than a goddamn brother, just because he decided to date your ex-girlfriend?! All because your greedy goddamn needs?!" Narcissa looked like she was about to throw James off the top of the Hogwarts school.

James grunted. "None of your business, Narcissa." he said and turned to me. "I want my girl back, Sirius."

"Well, fat chance that would happen."

We all turn to look at Severus, the one who had spoken. He was...approving of Sirius over James? Sirius Black over James Potter? My brother. He's so confusing.

Sirius barked out a laugh. "See James? Even Severus Snape says she should be with me!"

By this time, James' face is red with tortured anger. He turns and runs off like the goddamn coward he is. Sirius whoops with victory and kisses me.

Once Sirius had broke our kiss, I look at Severus. "Sev...why did you approve of Sirius?"

Severus simply smiled.

"He's better than a goddamn player."

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