1. I Love You

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"What are you thinking so hard about?" Paisley's voice echoes through my office. She's standing in the door way with a cat carrier, her blue eyes studying me.

"Nothing," I smile at her. "Did you finish packing?"

"Yep," My chest clenches just thinking about what's coming. "I just came to get Simba." She point at the cat curled in my lap and sets the carrier on the floor. Simba and I have become quite close this past year. It's part of our routine for him to sit in the office with me while I work on paperwork, it's going to be weird not having his fur all over my stuff.

Paisley grabs him from my lap and sets him in front of the carrier. He stretches, arching his back, before going into it.

I stand up from my chair while she locks it closed.

"I got it." I tell her, walking over to pick the carrier up.

Together we walk to the living room, where I hand Simba's carrier to my driver, Daniel, so he can take it to my car.

"Well," Paisley turns to me, a bright smile etched on her face. "I guess this is it."

"I guess so." I try to force a laugh but it comes out weak. I don't want to say goodbye, I want to ask her to stay.

Her right hand fiddles with her left a moment before she reaches between us and grabs mine. Her cold fingertips shocking my warm hand.

"These are now yours." Metal clinks in my hand.

"No," I tell her when I realize what she gave me. "These are yours. They were for you to keep." I hand her back the engagement ring and wedding band she's worn for the past year. I want her to have something to remember me by.

She takes the rings back and I smile at her, glad she didn't try to argue. She slides them into the pocket of her jeans then throws her arms around me. My arms come around her waist, pulling her closer to me. Her five foot four body is pressed against my six foot two frame and my head drops to her shoulder, breathing in her scent.

Just tell her! My inner voice yells at me.

Her hand comes to my chest and she pulls away. Does she feel the way my heart is beating?

Her eyes traveling around the penthouse. "I'm gonna miss this place."

Then stay, I silently beg her.

"You'd could stay." I suggest and hold my breath. Her eyes snap to mine.

They study my face for a moment, searching for something. "Stay?"

"Yeah," I nod. "Keep staying in the guest room and continue as my PA."

She looks down to the floor. "Oh... I don't think that's the best idea." Her eyes meet mine. "I can already see the headlines, 'CEO of Hayes Construction, Sebastian Hayes, announces divorce, but continues to allow ex-wife to live in penthouse'. Plus," She adds. "I'm sure you're ready to get back to your life. It's kind of been on pause for the past year."

As much as I want to, I can't bring myself to tell her she's become my life.

"We'll keep in contact while I'm gone, right?" She asks, staring into my eyes. Blue against blue.

"Of course, and when you get back I'll be waiting at baggage claim for you." Paisley is taking a six month vacation to London to 'grieve' about our divorce. At least, that's what the press will think. In reality she's just taking a well deserved vacation. "Headlines will read, 'CEO of Hayes Construction, Sebastian Hayes, and ex-wife agree to being friends'." Last year I would have given anything to be 'just friends' with a woman. But, now, with Paisley, the word leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

"You promise?"

"I promise."

She takes a deep breath nodding. "I better go before Daniel gets sick of cat sitting."

This is it, she's really leaving. "I'll walk you to the car."

We walk to the elevator and Paisley presses the button for the ground floor. The elevator is completely silent aside from the quiet music playing. Millions of thoughts play through my head. Would she stay if I asked? Would she give me a chance if I told her I've fallen in love with her? No, she wouldn't. She'd probably run away and never speak to me again.

We exit the elevator and walk out of the building. Daniel has my limo parked outside the door. He's leaning up against the trunk but when he sees us he straightens up. I give him a subtle wave from behind Paisley and he gets into the front of the limo.

When we get to the limo Paisley turns around and presses her smooth lips to my cheek. "Coffee when I get back?"

"September first," I nod "I'll wait for you at baggage claim."

"Okay," She sighs and opens the door of the limo.

Don't let her leave Idiot! My inner voice continues to yell at me.

"Paisley!" I stop her from closing the limo door.

"Yeah?" The way her eyes search my face causes by heart to speed up.

"I- just call me when you land."

"Goodbye Sebastian." She whispers and closes the door.

I watch as the limo drives away. "I love you." I confess to the bitter March breeze.

Chapter 1! What do you think? I'm excited to be starting this book. My other book 'After Five Years' is my priority, so this one may not have consistent updates but I'll try to update within a reasonable amount of time.

For this book I want to try setting goals. For the first chapter we'll start easy- 1 vote, 2 comments. Please?😁


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