20. Honesty and Surprises

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*cough* change in POV *cough*

Tears. I've always hated tears. They're not a regular occurrence for me, they usually build and build until the dam is broken by some minor inconvenience, and then there's nothing I can do to stop the flood.

"Paisley, tell me what happened."

"Nothing, I'm just emotional about Gra-" Sebastian's voice rings through my head. He's right. "Mr. Hayes."

Landon holds me tighter. "Now I know you're lying."

Sniffling, I angle my face so I can see him I notice a frown on his face.

"You never call him Mr. Hayes. Tell me what Sebastian said."

So I tell him, I tell him every harsh and spiteful word Sebastian said.

"Damn..." Landon mutters, his eyes filled with pity.

"They were the first family I had in a long time. It hurt to hear that they weren't mine anymore. It just hurt to hear it." I force a smile and pray it seems real. "It doesn't mater, you're my family now."

"I'm sure it hurt to hear. Especially since you're in love with him."

"I'm not in love with him!" I say too quickly as a pull away from Landon.

He ignores my denial and continues.

"I know I'd be hurt if Brittney were to show up and say something like that."

His ex-fiancés name makes me freeze. Previous relationships is the one topic both of us have ever so skillfully tip-toed around. All he knows about Sebastian and I is that we divorced on good terms after being married only a year. And the only thing I know about his relationship with Brittney is that they broke off their engagement after she slept with Sebastian.

The thought turns my stomach.

"It would hurt because you still love her." I more state than ask.

He doesn't verbally answer, instead deciding to focus on something in the distance and I have my answer.

What starts off as chuckling turns into loud hysteric laughter.

"What are we even doing?" I ask, wiping away tears.

Landon, who has started laughing with me sobers up. "Breaking of our engagement." He says seriously, his ocean eyes looking anything but sorry.

His statement sobers me up too. "What?"

"I knew who you were when we met in Australia." He surprises me. "I went after you to screw with Sebastian's head."

I'm confused now, I should be angry but I'm not really. "Why would us together screw with his head?" I ask, possibly already knowing the answer.

Landon quirks a brow. "You know why. You may be blonde but you're not blonde." He annunciates. "Paisley!" He laughs when I pretend to be clueless.

"Well he kind of tried to mention something but..."

"You wouldn't let him finish? Ouch..." He winces when I shake my head, then grabs the gear stick to the Rolls Royce.

"Where are we going?"

"Sebastian's." He backs out of the parking spot. "He's at his penthouse, I saw him leave. Now when we get there," He stops me from speaking. "You're going to let him tell you he loves and then your gonna say it back."

I feel like I've stepped into some alternate universe and Landon senses it.

"I don't really love you." Verbally, he dumps a buckets of ice water on me. "You love Sebastian so you that doesn't hurt your feelings right?"

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