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"They would be so cute together." Emily gushes and Sebastian frowns.

"Lighten up babe," I smile at his frown. "They're cute."

"No, they're not." He mumbles, watching as seven year old Markus pushes our six year old on a swing. "Your son does not deserve my daughter." He glares at Mark. "He can be her best friend, that's fine, but not her boyfriend."

As it turns out the reason Emily had disappeared was because she was pregnant and had been trying to tell Mark. His comment about fun made her worry he would try to make her get rid of the baby. When I finally figured out where she was he told her he loved her, she told him she was pregnant, and two months later they were married.

"Honey," I laugh at his serious concern. "She's still a long way from dating but you know that time will come right? And you're going to have to accept it."

He opens his mouth to argue but I kiss quickly. "She gets to have a happily ever after too right?"

"I guess." He grumbles, glaring at Mark. "You better make sure he doesn't turn out like you."

Mark, knowing how to push my husbands buttons, simply smirks. "And what if he turns out like you?"

"He won't be allowed around her." Sebastian says seriously. "Even as a friend."

Mark just laughs seemingly unaware of the dark cloud suddenly filling a tense Sebastian.

He excuses himself and I follow him, our fight from a few months ago coming to mind.

My day started bad and just keeps getting worse and it's only noon.

Being six months pregnant and having the flu is a terrible combination.

My hormones are everywhere, I'm exhausted, and my whole body aches.

So when I zombie walk downstairs and see the most beautiful woman backing my husband into a corner, I lose it.

"Can I help you?" I growl, and instantly Sebastian goes from looking annoyed to worried.

"Paisley, I'm fine." Sebastian forces a smile. "Lacey was just leaving."

"Yes, I was." The raven haired beauty turns to me. Everything thing about this woman is fake, her butt, her boobs, especially her smile.

I give Sebastian the "Really? Her?" look and he winces.

"Think about what I said Sebastian," She blatantly undresses my husband with her eyes and my hands itch to smack her. "We always did have fun."

Her comment makes me freeze. The way she said it sounds like it happened more than once, but Sebastian never... I turn to look at him, he looks ghostly pale as he looks at me awaiting my reaction and I can't stop the scoff that leaves me.

'I've never slept with a woman more than once,' My ass.

Knowing if we talk now I'll say things I don't mean so I head toward the stairs. I need a nap and if I don't take one now, before Olivia gets home, I won't get one.

"Lacey, if you show up at my home again, or try showing up at my office I will have you arrested." That's the last thing I hear before slamming the door to our bedroom closed.

"Paisley," Sebastian questions not five minutes later.

"I'm sleeping." I growl, rolling over as it try to get comfortable, but it's impossible. I suddenly burst into tears and Sebastian runs toward me but I smack him away.

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