22. Where Her Heart Belongs

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*Paisley's POV*

He's been sitting out there for almost twenty minutes.

Why is he here? 'Not to tell you he loves you that's for sure' my snarky subconscious remarks. 'You made sure that didn't happen.'

And I glad it didn't. If I had heard those words from him I'm sure seeing Brittney barely covered in his apartment would have hurt so much more.

Brittney. Just her name puts me in a sour mood.

Now that I've seen her I have no questions on how she hooked both Sebastian and Landon. She's a leggy blonde with perfect curves right in the spots men love.

I hear a car door close and glance out the window, watching as Sebastian walks away from his glossy black Porsche and towards the house, Landon's house.

When he knocks I take a deep breath before opening the door.

A jolt shocks through my heart as I take him in. Faded blue jeans and a black v-neck. My heart never stood a chance.

I used to think all he was was I a cocky jerk who did things only under the influence of his pants. I thought his kindness to me during my three year employment was due only to the fact that I wasn't his type. I thought being married to him and walking away a year later would be easy.

But as I got to know him I saw he was more than his cocky exterior, and by the time I realized it I had already lost my heart.

I can remember the exact moment I realized I was in love with him.

It was his grandmother's birthday party. He was holding me closely as we danced and before I knew it I was imagining that it was real.

My name rolling off his tongue drags me back into reality.

He looks tired and I frown. His grandfather's heart attack has taken so much out of him.

"Sebastian," My voice shamelessly flaunts my true feelings. "What are you doing here?" How stupid would it be for me to pretend like I haven't been watching him from the window?

"You know why." He mutters, sorrow clear in his eyes. "Can I come in?"

Stepping back, I nod and he walks in. The foyer automatically shrinks as his presence becomes almost overwhelming.

"I'm sorry." He says immediately after closing the door. "God, Paisley, I'm sorry."

A sad smile fills my face. "It's okay Sebastian."

"No, it's not." He insists. "I said things I will forever regret. My family will always be your family, even though we're not together."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask before I can think it through.

He hesitates, search my eyes for something. "It was my fault."


"No, really, I was yelling and I kept yelling." His eyes are sorrowful, his voice pained. "I finally stopped just in time to see him crumple to the ground."

"Sebastian, he had a bad heart." I say softly as he turns, his broad back facing me. "He was bound to have a heart attack. Whether it was talking to you, trying to lift Charlotte, or taking Watson on a walk."

"And yet it happened while my drunk ass was yelling."

I'm at a loss for words. Knowing Sebastian there's no way to convince him this wasn't his fault. So instead of speaking I stay silent.

"Do you want to know what we were arguing about?"  He asks after a few moments, continuing before even respond. "He planned the whole thing." He says finally turning to me and I notice just how tired he is. He carries the weight of his family on his shoulders.

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